Are Ohio Conservatives Tired of All the Losing?
Another lousy Election Day shows the Ohio Republican Party has a leadership problem.
In light of these challenges, it is evident that the Ohio Republican Party needs a renewed commitment to transparency, consistent adherence to its values, effective campaign strategies, ethical conduct, and proactive policy implementation. The forthcoming leadership change in the State Central Committee presents an opportunity for reinvigoration and enhanced direction. It is imperative that the party's leaders, members, and supporters work together to address these issues and revitalize the Republican Party's influence and effectiveness in Ohio.
The Ohio Republican Party (ORP) has a leadership problem. The Party has become reactive and put on the defensive by an inept Democrat party in a race to the bottom.
I am reminded of former Treasurer David Johnson standing during an ORSCC (Ohio Republican State Central Committee) meeting - that close to $200,000 was spent on legal fees to ensure that ORSCC members could not examine their own financials and accounting procedures. Ordinary, everyday Ohio Republicans were perplexed by this because if there was nothing to hide, as was claimed, then the party should not have to spend the $200,000 on very overpriced lawyers.
Then what did we see the establishment in the ORP do? We saw them go out of their way to shoot down a resolution that would have made the Republican Party a pro-life organization. It would have been a meaningful resolution that would not allow the party to financially support candidates that were pro-abortion. The establishment argued fervently to tramp down this pro-life movement and then months later - argued that they were the leaders protecting life - in their failed attempts to prevent the enshrining of abortion into the Ohio Constitution. These failures will impugn parental rights and deal a blow to the traditional nuclear family.
As Republicans we saw the party lose a congressional seat to the Democrats and massively over spend on the Ohio Governor’s race and then lose the Ohio State Board of Education to the Democrats. We’ve seen the Ohio Attorney General acquiesce to the trans-activist crowd in allowing the changing of the biological sex on birth certificates to any sex a person identifies as. We have seen a Republican party that supposedly rules the roost have their hat handed to them on a platter with the Democrat pushed ballot initiative of the re-districting board. Allowing Democrats and the media to make the party look more corrupt than it actually is and allows them to promote the disaster of gerrymandering.
We have seen a party where a multitude of those in leadership positions ignore Ohio State Law in the operations of the party - and have even allowed millions in donations to be misappropriated and laundered to get around campaign finance laws. We have even seen senior officials in the party push for party representation that need not live in the district they represent but may live in another state or even another county. Ohio Republicans have seen fantastical and gross abuses of power within their party - with those that clearly have a conflict of interest - not recusing themselves from voting.
On Tuesday November 7th, 2023 - we have seen how inept the Ohio establishment is. How the ridiculous infighting against conservative Republicans is making Ohio a State where our children aren’t safe and where Ohio is a much less attractive state to live or work. As a result - we have seen corruption flourish and ethics in our government degrade to an embarrassing point.
When Republican Party Members were leading the charge against abortion long before “Issue 1” was a thing - it was almost like they must of had a prophetic vision - or they were simply paying attention to what Democrats were doing. Why did the establishment fight pro-lifers so vehemently?
We see the next big fight will be the ongoing liberalization of the Ohio School system that Governor DeWine has so graciously helped his compadres on the other side of the aisle with. We know it is a problem and simple changes such as making school board races partisan could help give Republican a leg up. Yet, we see the establishment argue against these things and we also see a party very slow to react and implement conservative policies. What is the excuse that we have not passed legislation sooner that protects Ohio’s women and children and does not lead to a perverse outcome for punishing those that do not believe in woke ideologies.
We are a state that allows and encourages children in public school to learn about and celebrate pride month - but the mere mention of the 10 Commandments renders school administrator to have fury and disdain for all things Christian. Where trans-activists are celebrated but Christopher Columbus is so maligned that Columbus day is wiped from the calendars and renamed indigenous people’s day.
Next March we will have the ability to change our Republican leaders in the State Central Committee and in many County Central Committees and I hope you can see how ineffective our establishment leadership has been for the last decade. We all must ask ourselves, why hasn’t better legislation been passed into law? Why isn’t Ohio leading the way? Why isn’t the party doing more to make school board races more competitive? Shouldn’t party leaders be giving officeholders more direction and expecting better results with a super majority in the Ohio House and in the Ohio Senate and all holding all state offices?
When the Ohio Governor suspended laws without the consent of the General Assembly for two years during the COVID pandemic - we saw our Republican official do nothing even though what the Ohio Governor did was clearly illegal. Why are Ohio Republicans so slow to pass laws? Why are they so slow to speak up? Is it because we have Republican legislators pursuing their own ambitions because they lack direction?
Moderate Republicans are not getting the job done and they are destroying the party. Please consider voting for Conservative Republicans.
The whole General Assembly has failed on so many levels. I am seeing what I would call four different types Republicans, RINO, Moderate Republican, Old School Republican and Constitutional Conservative.
I am finding that there seems to be few Republicans that are constitutional conservatives that are truly in the fight for the right reasons. It is amazing what you pick up when you have eyes open and ears to hear. When a candidate is asked “why they are running. “The first thing out of their mouth should not be something for their own personal gain.
The Rot in Ohio is sickening. Even the local levels are unbelievable horrible. Being engaged locally the last couple years has been very eye opening. The web is so intertwined.
Party labels are meaningless at this point. Two of the same in most cases.
Good article, Thank You.
I also have seen it is going to be hard for any true outsider to come in to make a difference. When you start pulling back the veil locally on all the Clubs , foundations, nonprofits you can see why I say that.
What took me down that path of pulling back the veil? It was after going for a Republican Board of Election position in March. Needless to say I didn’t get it after providing citizen oversight for Over a year.
The position was given to an Individual that was currently worked for county . I had never seen this individual at any Board Of Election meeting in the 15 months I had been attending. Keep in my the Executive of the County Republican Party picks the person to fulfill the Election Board Position.
Just of late after a journalist drop a small nugget of information unknowingly I have been able to further connect the dots. The individual that got the Board of Election position, father had worked and retired from the Sheriff Department. Not to mention the involvement many have in some so to speak secret societies. Ex. FOP, Rotary, United Way ) The list goes on. I won’t give up as it’s not my personality when I am very passionate about restoring our Country for the Generations to come. I may get laughed at and ridiculed but that is ok. They done the same to Jesus.