Gender has been misappropriated by Academia and now by the Federal Government
States have every right to not recognize a more modern interpretation of "Gender" and reject its modern use in schools.
At its core, there are three psychological archetypes of man. What type of person you are depends on your psychological archetype. There are:
Pleasure Seekers
Self Denialists
The Hybrid: a combination of Pleasure Seekers and Self Denialists
Pleasure seekers, unsurprisingly, operate solely on seeking pleasure. They are driven by their baser instincts and lack self-control and discipline. Rarely do pure pleasure seekers find meaningful happiness in life. Self-denialists have recognized that they can be more than their basic instincts and passions. They have realized that there is more to life than pleasure seeking. The hybrid has elements of both. Those that show that they can control themselves for a tremendous amount of time but give in to pleasure-seeking occasionally. This is why we have Christians that look at pornography. Wrestling with basic instincts is something that many self-denialists have problems with, and it is for this reason that you can look at typification as a spectrum. One end of the spectrum is populated with pleasure seekers, the other end with self-denialists, and in the middle are the hybrids. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” is a recognition of our pleasure-seeking nature.
Can we control ourselves? Or will we give in to our lusts and passions? The Trans community wants no controls or responsibilities for their actions.
The Trans community is built upon pleasure-seeking and mistakes pleasure for happiness and compounds this problem by looking for acceptance of their behavior. We regress society when we set policies adopted from a pleasure-seeking mentality. Historically - we consistently advance society through self-denialism policies. In recent years - the Democrat party has rushed head-long into catering to pleasure seekers. This is why many Democrats are so young and Republicans (those not driven by pleasure seeking) are old. When we are young, we have a high urge to follow our passions and give in to our baser instincts. As we become wiser and older - we realize that true happiness is not the pursuit of pleasure - it is the pursuit of dreams.
A side note - there is a prevalent belief that pornography and video games are a Democratizing agent that envelopes our youth in a pleasure-seeking addiction that can rule over them for a lifetime if addicted at a young age. A Republicanizing agent is, unsurprisingly - the Bible.
The recognition of transgenderism as a normality instead of as a mental deficiency is a ludicrousism that should be resoundingly ridiculed by all. Transgenderism is a gender dysphoric mental shortcoming that individuals should not embrace but one that individuals should be challenged to overcome.
There is a war that is being waged. As a society, should we accept and normalize gender confusion under the guise of the “freedom to choose?” Or, should we as a society continue to recognize self-evident truths and help the gender dysphoric accept the gender they have been dealt with?
Modern neuroticism and gross confusion are befalling many of our children at the behest of misguided teachers - mainly due to bad actors using youthful rebellion against authority to help infantile minds reject logic and reason. The goal? The development of a world directly at odds with science, logic, reason, and Christian morality.
Let’s be clear that morality is the genesis of all laws. The question becomes whose morality is imposed in law. Is it the morality of the woke movement that is at odds with science, logic, and reason and driven by passion? Or is it morality that embraces Christian principles that embrace science, logic, and reason? Through our laws - morality is imposed upon the masses - do we want that morality to be good or vile?
In their conscious effort to undermine logic and reason, the bereft have adopted all manner of belligerent witticisms. Anyone that disagrees with their concepts are summarily shouted down as bigots, racists, and immediately become the phobe of the day. As the new Bolsheviks tell it, diversity, equity, and inclusion are concepts that we should aspire to in the creation of a brave new world. A world of acceptance and tolerance as it is billed - and any rejection of this Pythian covenant will have you forthrightly labeled as a hate monger of the first order.
The bereft Bolsheviks have also rejected the whole of abject behavior in an effort to normalize all kinds of perversity. This “woke” movement is one of petulance, and angst, and is clearly a spiteful and childish rebuttal to authority.
This “woke” way of thinking is conceptually thought of as “progress” among the new Bolsheviks - but, in reality, is anything but. We “regress” society when we blur the line between the sane and insane and “teach” or “condition” our children to accept the abnormal as normal - or lies as truth.
There is no normality in men galavanting around as womanly farcical caricatures attempting to perversely facisimilize the attributes of women. What is clear is that these men are either jealous of women or hate women, and women pretending to be men - just tend to be confused.
Transgenderism is a type of misbehavior that is a rejection of chivalry and of the covenant of decency, courtesy, and respect that we should all cherish to produce a civil society where the weak and the minority is protected.
Acceptance of transgenderism is morally reprehensible as it marks a social transgression (a crossing of the line, if you will) of not helping those in need (A Christian Imperative). The adults scream out to support the mentally impaired, whereas the demented, with a perverse view of the world, want to accept them as they are and encourage this behavior that does not agree with reality. Transgenderism is uncivilized and uncouth, and it is no wonder that its debate sparks such incivility by its promoters.
Any attempt to undermine the lie cannot be accepted in any form or fashion - if entertained, the entirety of what has been built by the transgendered movement quickly unravels under self-evident inspection.
There are no truths in the physical world to comprehend these newly defined bespoke gender identities. Gender identity is a virtual creation that has been carefully crafted and refined for the minds of the deluded who have spent too much time in the virtual worlds of fantasy and video games.
Our children have lost their discernment and critical thinking, and instead of pursuing dreams - the bad actors have spun a malevolent intellectualism of a thinly veiled infallibility that creates the pursuit of ghoulish nightmares by leveraging pervasively perverse concepts of victimization, privilege, and a total rejection of traditional authority.
In the reality created by the new Bolsheviks, they are always the knights in shining armor sent to defend the weak and the oppressed - causing our children to identify with the most mentally unsound in society. In reality, we see our petulant children misperceive our love and empathy in attending to the mental health needs of the weak and downtrodden. Treating a mental illness such as gender dysphoria is now somehow perceived as some dystopian re-education camp to be admonished - rather than embraced.
They have misperceived the pursuit of pleasure as happiness.
In the minds of the new Bolsheviks, all individuals, no matter how demented, should pursue all their flights of fancy and reject all societal norms because it makes them happy. Societal norms should be rejected - not because they are baseless, but because they are a system that promotes self-control and self-denial and causes us to utilize our minds and think. And, while youthful rebellion is healthy to a point if taken to an extreme, it is very destructive.
We see this woke movement’s attempts to normalize mental sickness in the belief that the authority has it the wrong way around. These are somehow not mental shortcomings but alien and different iterations of individualism that should have the freedom to be nurtured. From the new Bolshevik’s point of view, we are out of touch with reality and have not awakened to accepting foreign concepts. In reality, we are woke to the reality they are living in. The new Bolsheviks are not knights in shining armor at all. The new Bolsheviks are misguided individuals who have been radicalized against traditional authorities based on sound logic and reasoning using what God has given us - the ability to think and discern.
Yes, God has given us basic animalistic programming, but he also gave us free will, so we can become more than our basic programming and become beings of complex thinking. Undoubtedly, many who believe in God believe that his expectation is for us to be more than our basic programming and use our minds. Among many things, free will was one of the gifts he gave us to separate us from the animals. Free will, at its very essence, is the use of our minds to be able to learn.
Wokeism is a rejection of the use of our mind and an embrace of our animalistic basic programming. “Wokeism” is a movement of passion devoid of logic, reason, and science. You feel you are a girl - so you are a girl…You feel you are a man - so you are a man. No logic and reasoning is involved.
Our free will allows us to become more than just entities pursuing pleasure. We have learned that true happiness is not acquired by the pursuit of pleasure - but it is something that is realized through substantive and complex relationships in the pursuit of our dreams. We are more than just animals. We are more than just passion and lust. The Bible is a tool and a guide that allows us to use our free will to become more - because the Bible indelibly makes us think once we are exposed to the concept of a being higher than ourselves.
Why is chivalry inherently good, whereas might-makes-right is inherently wrong? Chivalry is a concept of self-denial of a might-makes-right culture and expands our world with thoughtful empathy for our fellow man. Might-makes-right is a basic programming and is man's default position irrespective of conscience. The concepts of honor and nobility are arrived at that rather than embracing our basic nature, we deprive ourselves of the rewards of might-makes-right and become the protectors of women, children, and the elderly.
Wokeism grows on the premise that the participants are protectors defending the freedom of individuals to truly be individuals - even if this individual freedom is alien and uncomfortable to the masses. While this could be a noble endeavor - these misguided protectors cannot realize their protection does not help. Their protection is harming the very individuals they are intending to help. Fleeting “happiness” is the measure of success to the protectors - and indeed, we are devolving into a more and more “whatever makes you happy society.”
Just like children, those with mental illness cannot know what will make them happy long-term. Many adults are incapable of this discernment owing to just how difficult these decisions are. That which makes us happy today can cause us pain and misery in the future. Many wish and yearn for a road map to happiness. There are many books on the subject, and many that have lived full and blessed lives share their perspectives on what provides more permanent comfort and happiness. Many find comfort and joy in following a spiritual path, and the Bible is a guidebook to happiness for many.
Cutting off perfectly functioning body parts and giving males breast implants is not helping the mentally sick and is definitely not “doing no harm.” The same is valid with life-altering treatments such as hormone therapies that change a male or a female to try to approximate the “look” of another gender - all supposedly to provide happiness. This is not treating the underlying condition of gender dysphoria.
Have we ever stopped to contemplate what happens to these individuals if we find a cure for Gender Dysphoria?
Remember - because this is a mental sickness - there will be those that will fight against a cure and argue that this is normal for them.
There is no such thing as a Transgendered man or woman - only men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men suffering from gender dysphoria and are described as transgendered. There is no fluidity or spectrum for gender. There are social identities where a person who is transgendered wishes to identify as a sex that they are not.
Indeed, some men act effeminate, and women that act more masculine. These are still - men and women - we can discern this genetically and by the genitalia that they were born with. Gender is not a social identity - it is your biological sex. How can we determine this? When determining the gender of a baby - that has always meant the biological sex that they were born. The concept of gender has always meant biological sex and not social identity. We should not cave in this rush of the government to appropriate what gender is.
If you research the etymology of the word gender, you discover that the word gender, up until the 1970s in academia and up until the 2010s in the general populace, had an identical meaning to biological sex. Gender meant biological sex. “Gender” was used in writing and conversation in preference to the word sex because sex also meant sexual intercourse. So to prevent confusion and to not evoke the thought of sex, the word gender was used. The meaning of gender originated back in the 17th century.
In the 1970s, certain non-scientific branches of academia invented an entirely new concept and attached the label "gender" to it. They misappropriated the word “gender” instead of using social identity. The concept academia was pushing was that the way one presents themselves in society is "gender.” This historically has never been the meaning of gender. The public at-large continued to use gender in the original meaning, as you will see with official government forms asking for 'gender'.
In the 2010s, this new meaning of gender leaked out of academic circles and into the general vernacular through mainstream media and cult-like LGBTQ communities looking to gain greater acceptance. This concept is entirely the invention of far left-leaning academics, cross-citing each other repeatedly in echo chamber journals. It is definitively - not science.
You can work with legislators, activists, and thought-leaders to bring sanity to treating those suffering from mental illness. This will undoubtedly be a tough fight - as it seems that a large portion of the mental health community is either insane or bereft of morals.
We must fight for a morality based on Christian and Biblical principles - and not those based on community values which are those developed by pleasure-seekers.
Please ask questions of your school board members to discern how they will treat mentally confused children and mentally disturbed parents and nail down a policy that does not seek to normalize abnormal behavior - but one of compassion for the mentally ill that treats the abnormal behavior to help the mentally ill become normal and find greater acceptance in society.