I'm Tired of "Do-nothing" Democrats and Angry with "Do-nothing" Republicans
Inexplicably, the Ohio Republican Party is UNDENIABLY running Ohio as a bastion of big-government fat-cats rather than as a party of fiscal and moral conservatism. This is not a surprise to anyone that has tried to talk or reason with the State Central Committee members.
If there is one incontrovertible truth about Ohio conservatives is that they will not work with each other to accomplish great things. Each Conservative has an idea that is better than everyone elses and so the failure of Conservatives on the State Central Committee is easy to quantify - it is simply a lack of teamwork.
The ten-twelve conservatives that are on the Republican State Central Committee cannot work with each other to show a united front against the big-government activists within the ORP (Ohio Republican Party). They all have their own ways of doing things and refuse to work as a team and between them, there is no leader to take a leadership role.
We must elect leaders that know the value of teamwork and are willing to put their egos aside and get things done. We need SCC (State Central Committee) members that actually want to work towards developing a vision for the party, set goals, and draft and implement a platform of conservative policies for the State. To date, the SCC is composed of three types of members. Kasichites, DeWineites, and Conservatives that do not know what to do and won’t work together.
We need not only new blood on the SCC but fighters but we need members with a plan to make the SCC and the ORP a vibrant and conservative organization.
The Destruction of the ORP is not our Goal
The SCC is quite clearly operating unethically. We have an all-powerful chairman that believes he has millions of dollars of discretionary spending that he can use to support unendorsed candidates. If the SCC can’t check an out-of-control chairman - it should come as no surprise that they are unwilling to support candidates that would check an out-of-control Governor. Hence the reason why DeWine was not impeached for suspending Constitutional law during an emergency.
The ORP needs to adopt an ethical code of conduct. We need to hold our leaders to a higher standard. Some would argue that merely asking for a criminal investigation into the ORP chairman is an effort to destroy the party. But what is the reality of letting a chairman “by hook or by crook” engineer the endorsement of Mike DeWine? The consequences of endorsing an unpopular pale pastel governor have more gut-wrenching fiscal ramifications than the ex-communication of a chairman that is clearly acting unethically and is out of control. One is the continuation of the swamp and the other is a reform that people can cheer about!
Just because the ORP is winning races does not mean that Republicans or Ohioans are winning. Again, we lost another Congressional seat due to population loss and have some of the highest opioid death rates in the country and violent crime and illiteracy is up across the board. When JobsOhio says business is great in Ohio - is when you know that it is not!
Reforming The SCC Sets the Tone for the Party
If the SCC is being run unethically then it stands to reason that the corruption originates from the bottom up. The SCC and ORP have traded lots of small donations for a few large donations. These large donations come with less hassle and more consistency for the management. They no longer have to have a vision or a platform because the influence peddlers are writing large checks. They get the crooks in that work for them.
Mike Dewine makes a video supporting BLM after the Statehouse was ransacked and intimating that Ohioans are systemically racist.
We need to produce a climate that is not so accepting of corruption the Ohio Republican Party. The party needs to get back to engaging everyday Republicans and not just the political elites.
If you are a candidate for the State Central Committee or are a member of the State Central Committee let us know if you support our conservative reform platform. We will be directing our newsletter audience to those that support these common-sense conservative policies.
It is much easier to run and win a State Central Committee spot if you support a common conservative platform - especially a reform platform.
Want to challenge your State Central Committee members to pledge to the platform?
Find your Senate district number and then look that number up and find the corresponding State Central Committeeman and woman. Don’t be afraid to call them all!
Let us know if you are going to run for State Central Committee and whether you are going to challenge the establishment. Let us know (419) 602-4425 (text first)