Ohio is a mess - I make this statement because Ohio has:
High drug overdose death rates (among the highest in the nation),
High rates of prostitution for women and Children (again among the highest in the country),
Been second in the country for the laws, rules, and regulations it imposes on its citizens for four years,
Very high taxes and even higher spending,
Increasing violent crime,
Some of the worst schools and colleges in the nation have the goal of indoctrination of their students into woke ideologies,
Had a corrupt pay-to-play government for decades,
An incredibly corrupt court system,
An extremely mismanaged child protective services system,
A mismanaged Bureau of Worker’s Compensation, a mismanaged public employees retirement system, and a wholly mismanaged opioid settlement program.
Ohio’s population is not able to keep up with the rest of the Country and we lost another seat in Congress. Ohio in 1970 had 24 seats in Congress and we now have only 15.
These problems are not systemic in Republican run states - because conservative Republican policies cure these problems. Truly Republican ran states are growing - not declining. The Ohio Republican Party has no substantive leadership - no commander that focuses the efforts of Republican Officeholders to be the tip of the spear.
So many people like to complain about their politicians and the state of the world - but what are they doing to correct their behavior?
What’s happening now is akin to a general telling his soldiers to go out and do their own thing. The results speak for themselves.
A lack of bold action is defining of the pursuit of mediocrity and is not characteristic of the pursuit of exceptionalism.
What is the force that is supposed to set the vision and goals for the party? The State Central Committee and County Central Committees. The rank apathy of the State Central Committee and County Central Committees failure to chart a course and give direction to Republican officeholders just illustrates how little its members put stock into organizing an effective party. Pay-to-play are short-sighted idiots squabbling over scraps rather than eating the steak at the table of a party that acts and operates as a team. There are far more riches for everyone to be gained in running the party and the Ohio government above board.
OHIO REPUBLICANS ARE RIGHT OF CENTER AND ARE A MAJORITY IN THIS STATE. Wanting bold action to address Ohio’s problems are just part and parcel of the expectations of the Republican Party. From discussing with many Republicans across a spectrum here is what they would love to hear from the next State Central Committee Chairman:
Ohio will become a sanctuary state for those mentally compromised with Gender Dysphoria to protect against mutilating surgeries and gender conversion therapy.
As an Ohioan, I think it is sick and repulsive how we have allowed an unethical and immoral medical and mental health community to supplant good common sense and wisdom. Mutilating the mentally compromised is not helping them - no matter how much they want to believe they are being helped. If you are not mature enough to understand why chopping off perfectly functioning body parts is wrong - I can’t help you, and I hope you support the Democrat party. I am not here to do what is popular but to do what is right.
The sickness of wanting to change men into women and women in to men is found exclusively in the search for higher profits among healthcare systems.
As governor, I will work with Ohio legislators to make Ohio a sanctuary state for those afflicted with Gender Dysphoria or who are being pressured by a cult of perversion into gender conversion. You will not be bullied here. Rest assured, you will be protected here and get the treatment you desperately need and deserve. No more paydays for “affirming” surgeries, therapies, or treatment for these sick bastards looking to sexualize our children and convince them to undergo conversion therapy from their natural-born sex. Not one red cent of Ohio’s tax dollars will be used to participate in such atrocities. I promise the Ohio Republican Party will not take one red cent from Ohio’s hospital systems that provide gender-affirming surgeries and candidates that do will find themselves persona non-grata with the Republican party.
Under my watch we will lead the nation and become a “gender-confirming” care-only state …… and guess what? We are not letting those that mentally abused these children and adults off the hook. School teachers and college professors promoting this nonsense…….. we want you to see jail time and be listed as a child predator or as an abuser of the mentally compromised. You won’t work in this state again as a professional, and I will consider it a privilege to tarnish your name so profoundly that you are never around another child or mentally impaired adult again!
Then we are going after the Doctors and lawyers. You better get going and get out of Dodge now. Don’t let that door hit you on the butt - because we intend to direct the Attorney General to work with these harmed souls to civilly sue their abusers and pursue criminal charges.
Sex-change operations will be banned from being performed in Ohio, and we will prohibit changing the natural sex on birth certificates.
The mentally ill need our love and compassion. Mothers and fathers will tell you that if you don’t discipline your child, you raise a petulant child to become a petulant adult. If you love your child, you will discipline them. Discipline can be difficult and no one enjoys it, but make no mistake…..disciple is necessary and proper. This helps children to adopt maturity and puts them on the path to becoming men and women. We want to raise well-adjusted men and women and help the mentally ill find acceptance. We cannot do that with a medical and mental health community determined to produce individuals that embrace their sickness rather than fight it. Physicians must do no harm! When did we lose that? Those suffering from gender dysphoria can’t be accepted as normal when grown adults have encouraged them to become a spectacle to be laughed at, made fun of, and bullied.
It’s this simple - we ask that boys and girls dress appropriately and act appropriately. The State of Ohio has no business encouraging children to make sexual decisions for themselves. This is common sense.
For the safety of all Ohioans, all children, before attending a State of Ohio financed public school, all children will have to have a blood test that determines blood type and sex.
In closing on this topic - boys use boys restrooms and girls use girls restrooms. It is just that simple!
State of Emergencies - the Governor has no right to suspend the law unilaterally. This includes lockdowns.
I want to clarify that the Ohio Governor does not have the ability to suspend any law. Including our Constitutional Rights. Article I, Section 18 | Suspension of laws - states, “No power of suspending laws shall ever be exercised, except by the general assembly.” This includes “due process” and “equal application of the law guaranteed by the 5th and 14th Amendments.
Governor DeWine’s actions during the pandemic were arrogant and reprehensible. I promise you this - that this shall never happen again. Governor DeWine’s wretirement should be to a prison cell for the destruction of so many lives.
The Governor may only make recommendations to suspend law.
Unequivocally, only the General Assembly may suspend laws - I want to make certain that every self-righteous politician gets that through their thick heads. That they know why we have Article I Section 18. Governor DeWine should have been impeached, removed from office, and then jailed. He absolutely and unequivocally broke the law.
We cannot allow our politicians and lawyers to misinterpret the the common understanding of the law. If we do - then the law is meaningless.
Never again shall the Ohio State Government empower a single branch of government, yes I am talking about the executive branch, under my watch. We need our politicians to fear the power of the people again instead of fearing the political power of the Governor.
Institute Academic Freedom. It’s time that Ohio values the decisions of parents over so-called education professionals.
Under my watch, the State will not determine academic standards. The State will determine academic minimums for public schools.
Under my watch, the State will issue performance base vouchers for education - meaning if the school does a terrible job - they don’t get paid.
I don’t want the legislature or the office of the Governor calling the shots on schools. I want Ohio to form an education senate with one representative from each county having input in the decision-making for education issues for the State. I do not want the power over the education system to be centralized - I want it to be decentralized.
Local schools should make their own decisions based on input from parents. However, they are still not allowed to mentally abuse their students - so let’s all say goodbye to the wokeness that has made a mockery of education. Let’s all say hello to affirming the protection of girls’ sports, a re-focus on preparedness for the workforce, and on teaching children the basics on living independently, on being a good neighbor, and on being a good citizen.
I want to see every Ohio High School have an ROTC program
We will do away with any requirements and incentives of Common Core, SEL, PBIS, CSE, and CRT at the State-level. We will value parents input over educators.
My goal is to wipe away the entire Legacy of Mike Dewine in the education arena.
We will do away with DEI and replace it with the golden rule of the Bible Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do unto you”
I will implement a first-of-its-kind Home School Education initiative - where parents get paid to educate their own children.
I will change the dynamic of public education so that the parent is responsible for educating their children and the state is there merely to assist in their efforts. If your child is out of control - guess what - the state will not spend millions because of your poor parenting, the neglect of manners, and neglect of discipline. I want misbehaving children out of school and have their parents deal with their disciplinary problems. And guess what - if, as a parent you don’t educate your child and take your responsibility as a parent seriously - you will be taxed with a deadbeat parent tax and if egregious enough, to be considered neglect and abuse, you might find yourself in a jail cell.
The Ohio Economy, Workfare, Small Business Development, and Nurturing Entrepreneurism. We are flipping the script on establishing small businesses in Ohio.
Ohio may get a C+ on paper for its economy - but the underlying fundamentals of our economy are disastrous. This is why our state is besieged with opioids, methamphetamines, drunks, prostitutes, and child traffickers.
We are going to change that.
We have way too many people on welfare and unemployment. We’ve got to make our people productive again and help restore dignity to their lives. Here is the catch. Many won’t and can’t seek work because they are on Medicaid. If they go to work at a low wage - they lose their Medicaid and can’t afford their healthcare.
Rather than paying people to sit at home - I want the state to pay for productivity - we should get something for our dollar.
Under my plan, if you have been unemployed for over two years, you can participate in the “Ohioans Pursuing Excellence” program. We will match an employer’s wage up to $12.50/hr for non-special needs employees and up to 150% for special needs employees up to $15/hr. Only small businesses and new startup companies that offer health insurance to its employees may participate in the program. The state will provide this program for up to 3 years for each participating employee.
Did you see what we did with a workfare policy? We moved a huge portion of the states costs from a cost center to a profit center. Give Republicans lemons and we’ll make lemonade. It is time for us to flip the script and give every Ohioan an incentive to work.
During the first year of employment, the State of Ohio will cover the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation premium for those employees participating in the program.
I want to bolster this program with free statewide college credit courses provided over the internet by the State of Ohio for those in the Ohioans Pursuing Excellence program. The State will make these courses available at your local public schools.
We will get our unproductive active again and have entrepreneurs beating a path to our State to open up businesses.
The world will beat a path to our door.
Welfare Reform - recipients of state assistance will have to be proactive in their training to seek employment.
I am not going to lie - we face a tough problem - we have many Ohioans that are out of work and are not looking for work. That is a real problem.
Here is how we overcome it. We are going to make huge investments into our libraries, technical colleges, and internet backbone infrastructure. No, we will not allow Librarians to make investments into smut and wokeism.
I want our libraries to become job and workforce training centers. The state will develop online courses that help make the unemployed job ready.
I want Ohio’s libraries to have the tools to re-educate our workforce. This includes training laboratories where those out of work can get hands-on experience. Can’t make it to a library? Many of the tools will be available for free through the internet.
A requirement for those receiving state assistance will be for them to choose a training course and participate.
Idle hands are the work of the devil. We need to give the unemployed something to do.
We’ve got a problem with big tech. These companies have become so big that they make dictates that harm our economy and reduce competition. I plan to end that.
We’ve seen the benefits of the public highway and road system and how it connects communities and helps to facilitate trade and commerce. It is one of the few places where big government excels and improves our lives.
Unfortunately, our information highway is dominated by only woke corporations, which is a real problem. They control what they will allow and what they won’t allow. It is akin to all of us having to pledge allegiance to transgenderism before we can drive our car on the highway.
I will shrink the size of Ohio’s government - but I think if we want to maintain our basic freedom of speech - the State of Ohio needs to get into the internet backbone industry and establish its own server farms - to break the monopoly that intrudes on our freedoms. Hear me out - these server farms and internet backbone won’t cost Ohioans their taxpayer dollars. It’s a loan to get it established. We know that server farms are very profitable. Don’t worry - the State will not own or manage this enterprise. The state will create a special class of corporation - a State Initiated Public Benefits Corporation. It will offer stock to sell to the public but establish maximum share thresholds that purchasers may own. The State Government will also set maximum wages for the employees of the SIPBC.
Investors will own this business venture - not the State - and in return for their investment, the State will grant an accruing tax credit for their investment that will offset any Ohio tax. It will start at $.15 for every dollar invested and accrue at $.05 annually for 7 years to a total of $.50.
As an internet service provider, the state will ban all pornography on its network. The state will place a sin tax on all other internet service providers that do not actively participate in blocking pornography. This will help, in some measure, to offset the destructive nature of pornography on our children and families. We don’t want Johnny living in the basement of Mom and Dad playing video games and doing God knows what else. “We want Johnny to work and be productive.”
I believe in reform and second chances. I also believe that honest work is good for the soul in paying off your debt to society.
I want to see an Amendment to our Ohio Constitution that reduces prison sentences for those that work and are productive.
The work would consist of making modular components for Ohio’s roadways
Agriculture work to provide schools and prisoners with food
Textile work and clothing manufacture
Prisoners that work get access to better food, better accommodations, and the ability to participate in education programs. Modular component and Agriculture work will pay prisoners $7.50 per hour and Textile work will pay $5 per hour. At the end of their sentence - former prisoners can use this money to help them to establish housing and transportation.
We don’t hear bold conservative voices in Ohio because of open primaries and complacency.
Open primaries have unequivocally led to Democrats picking our Republican candidates. It is time for this practice to end and for the Ohio legislature to close the primary process. Republicans should not have to put up with liberal Republicans running their party due to Democrats crossing over. No! You are not a Republican just because you pulled a Republican ballot when you have every intention to weaken the party you are voting for.
Complacency - is not educating the public on what the County and State Central Committees are. It is not filling empty precinct seats and it is not focusing on expanding the party. When your party counts on unaffiliated voters voting Republican in the general election but hopes they do not vote in the primary - something is more than rotten in Denmark. If we want to change the party and get better candidates we need better County and State Central Committee members.
I am with you 100%. This all should take place like yesterday.
We need strong leaders that is for the people and buy the people.
I love all you patriots are disrespecting veterans & wives of career naval warrant officers. Do you all work at Dayton VA Medical Center or are you all rapists? Keep bringing the rape & death threats though, this is fun now after 10 years.