The Advantages of Debate Procedure Meetings: A Simple and Effective Alternative to Robert's Rules of Order
A revolutionary new way for Republican Clubs to meet and conduct business. Help make it easier to recruit precinct committee members
Robert's Rules of Order has long been the standard for parliamentary procedure in the United States. However, in recent years, many organizations have found that its complex rules and procedures can be a barrier to participation and decision-making. In response, some organizations have turned to debate procedure meetings as a simpler and more effective alternative. In this white paper, we will explore the advantages of debate procedure meetings and why they are gaining in popularity.
Ease and Simplicity for Members:
One of the primary advantages of debate procedure meetings is their ease and simplicity for members. Unlike Robert's Rules, which can be complicated and difficult to understand, debate procedure meetings are designed to be straightforward and accessible. Members have the right to start a thread on an online forum, and polls are used to determine whether a debate is necessary. This process is easy to understand and can be done quickly and efficiently.
Expanded Participation:
Another advantage of debate procedure meetings is that they expand the ability for people to participate. With Robert's Rules, physical or video conference meetings must be scheduled, which can be a challenge for many people. However, with debate procedure meetings, members can participate in decision-making from anywhere and at any time. This flexibility can be a significant advantage for organizations looking to engage more members and make decisions more effectively.
Outside the Box Reasons:
While the simplicity and expanded participation of debate procedure meetings are compelling reasons to adopt this approach, there are also some outside the box reasons to consider. For example, debate procedure meetings can help to foster creativity and innovation by providing a forum for members to share ideas and brainstorm new solutions. Additionally, by using polls and clear decision-making thresholds, debate procedure meetings can help to reduce conflict and improve collaboration within an organization.
Robert's Rules Losing Luster:
Finally, it is worth noting that Robert's Rules of Order is losing its luster in many organizations. Despite being the standard for parliamentary procedure for more than a century, many people find it complex and difficult to understand. Even parliamentarians can have trouble agreeing on rulings, which can lead to confusion and frustration. As a result, more and more organizations are turning to debate procedure meetings as a simpler and more effective alternative.
In conclusion, debate procedure meetings offer a simple, effective, and flexible alternative to Robert's Rules of Order. By allowing members to participate from anywhere and at any time, and by using clear decision-making thresholds and polls, debate procedure meetings can help organizations to make decisions more efficiently and collaboratively. As more organizations turn to this approach, it is clear that debate procedure meetings have a bright future as a tool for effective decision-making.
What are Debate Procedures?:
Debate Procedures instead of Parliamentary Procedures for Regular meetings
Robert’s rules of order is hundreds of pages long and while it is the standard of parliamentary procedure for meeting - it rewards those members that have a superior knowledge of Robert’s Rules of order. It penalizes those that do not know Robert’s Rules of order. Debate procedures are more than just a way to run a meeting but they provide a modern way to collaborate and make decisions.
Presenting the following rules of procedure for consideration:
By following these rules, the Lorain Ladies Republican Club can hold efficient and productive meetings.
The Morrow Debate Procedures for County and State Central Committees of Republican Parties
Introduction: Effective decision-making is crucial for the success of any political organization, and it requires an efficient and fair system for meetings. The Morrow Debate Procedures offer a comprehensive and practical approach for conducting meetings of county and state central committees of Republican Parties. This paper presents a succinct and authoritative guide to the Morrow Debate Procedures, outlining the key steps and benefits of this system.
Members have the right to start a thread on a chosen online forum, such as The member should allow for sufficient discussion before posting a poll.
Polls must have at least three options: Agree, Disagree, and Debate.
If 60% or more of the vote is Agree or Disagree, there will be no debate. If the top vote is less than 60%, then there will be a debate. If 25% or more vote for Debate, there will be a debate unless the 60% threshold is met.
If the poll is won by 60% or more, the item is adopted. If the poll is lost by 60% or more, the item is not adopted. All items adopted will be read into the record at the next physical meeting.
Agenda items are submitted to the Chair and posted online. Meetings will proceed as agreed upon, but the following agenda can be used as an example: Opening Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, New Member Welcome, Report on items adopted (through Loomio), Reports from committees, Chairman’s report, Debates, Featured Speaker or presentation, Brainstorming, Announcements by Republican Officials, Closing Prayer.
The chairman will select a proponent and an opponent to debate from those that express a desire. If the committee does not select debaters by a vote, the Chair will appoint them.
Each debater gets three minutes to present. Each debater gets to answer three questions. The proponent answers three questions from their chosen opponents. The opponent answers three questions from their chosen proponents. After three questions each, the chairman, at their discretion, can ask three additional questions to clarify the issue. At the discretion of the Chairwoman, if the issue is particularly complex, they may extend the debate time to six minutes for each debater.
All members vote live on the issue at the conclusion of the debate. If the “agrees” have it, the motion is adopted. If the “disagrees” have it, the motion fails.
After the debates are done, members can move for a brainstorming session. This is a session to foster new ideas (new Business). This free-form session is led by the chairman and is handed off by tossing a ball. The Chair tosses the ball to a member that has their hand up or wants to be recognized. The member may speak - if anyone wants to comment on what that member said, they can raise their hand, and the ball will be thrown to them. This continues until no one wants to speak on that topic, and then the ball is thrown back to the Chair. The Chair repeats the process.
For meetings involving discipline, parliamentary procedures will be followed.
For an organizational meeting, Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed. For all other meetings debate rules will be followed.
Changes to bylaws will require a 2/3rd vote and debate must happen if there is any opposition. Changes to the Constitution will require a ¾ vote and debate must be heard if there is any opposition.
Conclusion: The Morrow Debate Procedures provide a clear and efficient approach to conducting meetings for county and state central committee meetings.

The top 10 reasons for using Morrow Debate procedures for County and State Central Committees:
Inclusivity: Debate procedures promote inclusivity by providing an equal opportunity for all members to express their opinions and ideas.
Enhanced Participation: Debate procedures encourage enhanced participation by allowing members to contribute their thoughts and ideas without the constraint of physical meetings or scheduled video conferences.
Reducing Silencing Effect: Debate procedures reduce the silencing effect and provide a platform for the minority to express their views and opinions.
Fostering Innovation: Debate procedures foster innovation and creativity by creating an environment where ideas can be shared, debated, and refined.
Encouraging Accountability: Debate procedures encourage accountability by ensuring that all decisions are made through open discussion and voting.
Reducing Toxicity: Debate procedures often reduce toxicity by making it difficult for members to use abusive language, as written words can be traced back to them.
Greater Transparency: Debate procedures promote greater transparency in decision-making processes as all discussions and voting records are accessible to members.
Building Consensus: Debate procedures can help build consensus by providing an opportunity for members to air their views and address concerns before a decision is made.
Engaging Members: Debate procedures can help engage members by providing an opportunity for them to be actively involved in the decision-making process.
Avoiding Groupthink: Debate procedures can help avoid groupthink by encouraging members to think critically and independently, challenging assumptions and biases.