The Atrocious Actions of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee on Feb 18, 2022
Please send this letter to your CountyRepublican chairman and share it on Facebook
Dear Ohio Republican County Central Committee Chairmen,
After watching this video:
I hope you are prompted to take action.
The time has come to pass, to show your loyalty to registered Republicans. The atrocious actions of the Ohio Republican Party leadership can no longer be tolerated and needs to be addressed by the grassroots of the party. It is in this vein that I ask you to chastise the Ohio Republican State Central Committee and not support their endorsed candidates until those with a conflict of interest recuse themselves from voting. Furthermore, I ask that you contact your legislators to address a wrong that has disenfranchised Ohioans for more than 40 years with legislation.
Since 1980, the State Central Committee was given the option to not have a State Convention. The State Convention was a check on the power of the special interests in their efforts to control and influence party leadership. Prior to this a State Convention was required. If the special interests gained control of the State Central Committee and endorsed horrible candidates – the State Convention could nullify their endorsements. The State Convention approves the platform and has the ability to alter, amend, or abolish the bylaws for the State Central Committee. The State convention was an invaluable tool in keeping those in power accountable to Republicans and not to the special interests in Ohio. Without this tool, all Republicans have become disenfranchised at the behest and power of the special interests.
It is among the great misperceptions of the masses that legalities define virtue, ethics, and all that is right. That is inconsolable and misguided reasoning. Legalities taint the very sources of moral principles among attorneys in Ohio in their belief that one must only abide by the law to remain ethical and virtuous. A more wrongheaded conclusion cannot be had. This is why so many of our lawyers in Ohio do not have the Christian underpinnings necessary to avoid this abhorrent and disgusting behavior. In Ohio, the spectacles of immorality abound in our legal community due to a lack of Christian teachings, ethics, conscience, humility, and integrity. The legal community cannot get their philosophical underpinnings from the Bible – because the philosophies held within the Bible are illegal to be taught in law schools. Their code of personal conduct is wholly inadequate to ensure ethical behavior.
Legalities are the codes of conduct that both the virtuous and unvirtuous can come to agreement upon – there is plenty of unethical behavior that remains legal because it has not been addressed.
A more reprehensible lot that we find in the Ohio legal community there is not - in allowing this misperception among the public to flourish. Those that advantage themselves upon this belief that legality equates to the ethical and moral conduct sullies and tarnishes the character of whatever they touch or are a part of. Ever present in this legal community is pining for the mental gymnastics to manipulate the fluctuant of their own indecisions and to confirm acceptance for their reprehensible actions as to be just and true and common. They manipulate perceptions with their knowledge of the law and marginalize those that may not be as knowledgeable of the proceedings in man’s judgment of men. Their legal prowess is only matched by their insipid and despicable behavior – that is bereft of the Biblical philosophies needed to ground all truly moral judgements. It is an echo chamber of deceit and dishonesty. Endowing the opinion of a modern Justice, Judge, Magistrate, Prosecutor, or an attorney with any validity upon their consult of ethics is an exercise of asking the devil the definition of virtue – it is not present in their skill set.
Legality establishes false estimates of virtue and vice: for what can be worse than the charade of pretending to be a representative for Republicans yet feeling no compunction to disclose how you vote on matters brought before the Republican party. How is one to judge your performance when one cannot evaluate your job? Certainly, no law compels the leadership of the ORP to disclose how its members individually vote – even though this is the norm for school board, municipal, County, State, and Federal legislators and for almost all other instances in our society. Why is it law in almost all cases and normal to act with transparency when making important decisions that affect millions of Ohioans? Ethics and virtue demand such transparency! While the intricacies of logic and reason are avoided by the ORP leadership– all manner of absurd reasoning is justified by the ORP parliamentarian and leadership on why subterfuge should continue within the Republican Party unabated. Clearly, they do not agree on a common interpretation of the bylaws nor even consistency that would warrant logic and reasoning in their interpretations. Instead, they elect to interpret their bylaws with an unreasonable circumspection of idiocy buttressed by simpletons masquerading as attorneys.
The idiocy of their reasoning is that even though a proper audit is specifically called for in their bylaws -they can ignore that section of the bylaws along with the specificity of the bylaws that say that Republican State Central Committee meetings will be open to the public. Keep in mind the bylaws do not say that that the Central Committee meeting shall be open to the cameras of the public – it says the meetings shall be open to the “public”. How can anyone ascertain how their political representatives voted on issues when the ORP controls where the camera is pointed. Clearly, ORP leadership is not acting in accordance with the spirit of the bylaws or the laws of Ohio. Again, this abhorrent behavior cannot be tolerated any longer.
On the one hand, the ORP parliamentarian would have you believe that because the bylaws do not specifically address roll-call voting that it cannot be used – and yet – when it comes to the matter of tradition and millions of dollars of discretionary spending on unendorsed candidates by the chairman (a clear and overt misappropriation of funds) – no specificity in the bylaws is suddenly required. The faulty reasoning of the chair and of the parliamentarian is a juxtaposition that is without logic or reason and reveal the hidden agenda of the special interest masters that they serve.
An improper influence and conflict of interest are suddenly not in the vernacular of the legal community in Ohio – as appointees vote to retain their jobs (something of value) for their vote of endorsement (something of benefit to the appointer). The Attorney General sees no wrong and holds to the position that ethics laws do not apply to the state employees that serve on the State Central Committees. These are clearly employees of the state that are reaping their rewards at the expense of the taxpayer. The State Central Committee members that are appointees being offended for the calling out of their conduct is laughable and as absurd as their reasoning as to why the ORP should not recognize their conflict of interest or improper influence. These clear and irrefutable bribes exist solely due to the august manifestation of power of the special interests and their control of the party. These State Central Committee members have no shame, no character, and should be held in the highest contempt for their absurd rationalizations and unethical behavior. Even more absurd is how the Ohio Ethics Commissions cannot find how these State employees are acting unethically. Most five-year-old’s given a proper background have the wherewithal to make better decisions than the OEC.
Legislation needs to restore the State Central Committee to the people and should accomplish the following.
Restore the requirement to have a State Convention that acts as a check and balance on the power of the State Central Committee.
We should change Ohio law to make State and County Central Committee members accountable to Ohio’s ethics laws which require recusal for a conflict of interests or improper influence. Outlawing political appointees and lobbyists on the State Central Committee and on County Central Committees should be strongly considered.
We should change Ohio Law to make State and County Central Committee candidates subject to campaign finance law disclosures - so we know who is influencing our political representatives.
We should change Ohio law to require that all votes by political representatives on State and County Central Committees are roll call votes and are made public. If they are our political representatives by law - then we have a right to know how they vote no different than what Ohio legislators and Senators have to disclose when voting in session.
We should change Ohio law to require a State Convention for political parties that is composed of every county central committee member that has the power to be a check on the state central committee if special interests ever take it (the State Central Committee) over again. The convention should have he power to draft or amend the bylaws of the State Central Committee, draft the mission, vision, and platform for the party, and hire or fire the political director of the Ohio Republican Party.
While this is not a comprehensive list of reforms needed to restore the Party to be accountable to registered republicans it is a great start.
Thank You,
A concerned Republican!