The Betrayal of Republicanism: How Globalists and Utopian Socialists Captured the GOP
From Reagan’s Legacy to Bennett’s Legacy: The Erosion of Grassroots Democracy and the Rise of a New Tyranny in Ohio and Beyond

The current state of American politics is a tragic regression, a descent into the abyss of hatred and anger, where the very essence of American patriotism is disintegrating at an unprecedented rate. The problem we face is not one that can be solved by the election of any single individual, not even by a figure as popular as former President Trump. We must confront the insidious woke utopian socialist influence that has seeped into the fabric of our nation—a force that once sought to solve the world’s problems through the construction of a world government, a utopian vision where nations were financially shackled to one another.
How well has this globalist vision worked out for Americans and the world? Inarguably, we are creating our own monsters by doing business with bad actors such as China.
Globalists, during the Cold War were enraptured by the allure of Utopian Socialism. They believed they could conquer human vices such as greed, envy, jealousy, and sloth through the redistribution of wealth. But this was never really about conquering vice; it was about their envy and jealousy toward the rich, an obsession with tearing down those who had risen above the mediocrity that they themselves could not escape. They preached that in a capitalist system, a man could earn comfort through hard work, but anything beyond this basic comfort should be seized by the government and redistributed.
Since the Cold War these apostles of mediocrity have not vanished; they have found sanctuary in the halls of Academia, within public sector and private sector unions, and within the confines of the legal community where they indoctrinate each new generation to embrace a socialist ideal, a doctrine where the government has the right to confiscate the wealth it did not create, to redistribute what it has no moral claim to.
This insidious doctrine is alive and thriving within the Democrat Party and gives voice and action for Utopian Socialists (those who believe in a blend of Capitalism and Socialism). It thrives by relentlessly attacking the so-called excesses of American Capitalism, demonizing the wealthy and the corporations that are the lifeblood of our economy and the sentimentalities of Freedom and small government. This campaign of demonization has eroded the very patriotism that once fueled America’s greatness. The spirit of brotherhood and patriotism, the fuel that once burned brightly to heat our melting pot, is now being extinguished by a relentless class warfare and a reverse bigotry aimed at all things Caucasian, Christian, and European.
This war against the very elements that made America great is no accident. For over 30 years, we have witnessed a systematic attack on capitalist America, on the values of Christendom, and on those of Western European descent. Academia is the breeding ground for this assault, employing instructors and professors who overwhelmingly lean Democrat, who embrace Utopian Socialism, and who are hell-bent on dismantling the notion of American greatness. In the very heart of strongly Republican states, colleges, universities, and even K-12 schools are infected with this ideology, pushing classes and studies designed to tear at the fabric of our nation, to undermine any pride in American greatness.
We are told that America is a racist nation, despite the bloodshed of the Civil War, the deadliest conflict in our history, fought to eliminate racism and to ensure equality for all Americans. We are told to focus on our faults, to wallow in self-deprecation, instead of celebrating the achievements that brought us together as a nation. This is not a coincidence; this is the not the result of a powerful Democrat party - this is a result of a Republican Party that has lost control of itself, a party that has been infiltrated by the very globalists who despised Reagan for his audacity to believe in American exceptionalism, for his refusal to bow to globalist ideals.
It started in 1988 with the appointment of Bob Bennett as the leader of the Ohio Republican Party. Globalists - like Bennett conspired to take over the political parties by dismantling the party conventions that once allowed the voice of the people to be heard. They replaced the leadership model of a member-driven organization with a top-down model, disconnecting the party from the registered Republicans it was meant to serve. Now we have a top-down association model that sells its services to the highest bidding special interest. Who are those special interests? Academia, Lawyers, and the lobbyists for the organizations that do business with the State of Ohio - you know - the Utopian Socialists. As a result, we are left with candidates like Mike DeWine, a moderate Republican who supports big government policies that undermine the very foundation of our society while wrapping it in Republican wrapping paper. Due to Mike DeWine and John Kasich, Ohio leads the nation in its academic progressivism—Social Emotional Learning, Critical Race Theory, Common Core, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Comprehensive Sex Education. These policies, are omnipresent in Ohio’s K-12 system, are tools used to chip away at American exceptionalism, to divide us so that Utopian Socialism can be realized.
Since 1988, this shift away from member-driven conventions has disconnected the party from its base, leading to a state where gambling has expanded, human trafficking has surged, and drug use has become rampant. Ohio, once a bastion of conservative values, now looks economically like a Democrat state, where abortion on demand is a reality and recreational marijuana is the law of the land. This is not the result of the people's will but of a political system manipulated by those who benefit from the status quo, a system that no longer represents the registered Republicans it was meant to serve.
Bob Bennett, the longest-serving Republican Party Chairman in Ohio’s history (chairman of the Ohio Republican Party from 1988 to 2009 and again in 2012 and 2013) was a master strategist, a figure whose influence extended far beyond the borders of Ohio, shaping the very structure of the Republican Party at a national level. His legacy, however, is a double-edged sword. On one hand, he was instrumental in modernizing the party, making it more efficient, disciplined, and capable of winning elections in an increasingly complex political landscape. On the other hand, Bennett's vision of a top-down, associational model for state parties marked a fundamental shift in the way the Republican Party operated, a shift that has had far-reaching consequences for grassroots democracy and the voice of the ordinary party member. The associational model has had the effect of ripping the soul out of the Ohio Republican Party. Of course, this did not happen overnight - but the effect nonetheless is very evident. Without a way to put a check on a State Central Committee whose sole intent is to appoint a chairman that does the bidding of Utopian Socialist business through a State Republican Convention - Ohio has cemented its position as one of the most corrupt pay-to-play states in the nation.
Under Bennett's guidance and with his help, over 30 state parties transitioned from member-driven organizations, where conventions were a meaningful expression of the will of the party’s base that were a check on the State Central Committee, to top-down structures that centralized power in the hands of a few. State and county conventions, once vibrant forums for debate, decision-making, and the selection of candidates, were either eliminated or reimagined into mere fundraising events, stripped of their original purpose. This shift disconnected the party leadership from its rank-and-file members, reducing the influence of grassroots Republicans and empowering a small elite who could control the party apparatus. While this model proved effective in certain electoral contexts, it has also alienated many within the party and contributed to the erosion of trust between the party’s leadership and its base, leading to a Republican Party that, in many states, is out of touch with the very people it claims to represent.
Why have Republicans, who claim to uphold the values of individualism, capitalism, and American greatness, failed so spectacularly to reform the very institutions that mold the minds of future generations? Why has Academia, particularly in a state like Ohio, become a fortress of progressivism (almost 90% of instructors and professors consider themselves Democrat and 82% of those consider themselves Utopian Socialists), a breeding ground for Utopian Socialists who seek to undermine the principles upon which this nation was built? The answer lies not in some insurmountable force but in the cowardice and complicity of those who have abandoned their responsibility to challenge this ideological monopoly.
Progressivism’s stranglehold on Ohio’s academic institutions is no accident; it is the result of deliberate inaction by those who should have been its fiercest opponents. Instead of confronting the indoctrination head-on, Republicans have allowed these institutions to be overrun by those who despise the very idea of American exceptionalism. Why? Because they have been seduced by the same forces that they were supposed to oppose—globalists and corporatists who prioritize their financial interests over the cultural and intellectual health of the nation. These so-called conservatives, rather than defending the principles of capitalism and freedom, have chosen to appease the very educators who would dismantle those ideals, all while enjoying the benefits of a status quo that rewards complacency and mediocrity.
The monopoly of progressivism in Ohio’s academic institutions is not a reflection of an inevitable cultural shift; it is a direct consequence of the failure of Republicans to assert their principles where they matter most—within the educational system that shapes our future. It is a betrayal of the very values they claim to champion, a surrender to the forces of collectivism and mediocrity that seek to weaken the foundation of our society. Until Republicans muster the courage to challenge this intellectual tyranny, the future of Ohio, and indeed of America, will continue to be dictated by those who see greatness not as a goal to be achieved but as an obstacle to be dismantled.
The big business Utopian Socialists are the ultimate contradiction—a class of men who, while reaping the rewards of capitalism, actively conspire to limit participation in the very system that enabled their success. These are not the true capitalists who build their fortunes through innovation and hard work; they are the parasites who, having grown fat on government contracts and regulations, now seek to protect their monopolies by aligning themselves with the very forces of collectivism that they should oppose. They cloak themselves in the language of social justice and equity, all the while using the machinery of the state to stifle competition, to prop up their empires, and to redistribute wealth in a manner that ensures their continued dominance. The best example of this are State Universities that influence all the legislation that allows them to maintain a near monopoly by subsidizing their business model with taxpayer dollars - making it nearly impossible for the private sector to compete with them.
These Utopian Socialists in the corporate world are not motivated by a genuine concern for the welfare of society (say like the Cleveland Clinic); their altruism is a façade, a convenient mask to hide their true aim: the consolidation of power. They are the architects of a new form of tyranny, one that disguises itself as benevolence. By advocating for policies that impose restrictions on others while exempting themselves, they ensure that they remain at the top of the economic hierarchy. They champion regulations that crush small businesses and innovation, all in the name of the "common good," while they themselves enjoy the fruits of an unearned privilege. These men are the embodiment of moral hypocrisy, using the language of progressivism to justify their quest for control, sacrificing the individual’s right to succeed on the altar of their own security.
Capitalism and Socialism cannot coexist, for they are fundamentally opposed in their principles and their consequences. Capitalism is the embodiment of individualism, a system where each man is free to pursue his own happiness, create wealth through his own effort, and enjoy the fruits of his labor. It is a system that recognizes and rewards the merit of the individual, fostering innovation, progress, and prosperity. Socialism, on the other hand, is the antithesis of these values. It is a system rooted in the denial of individual rights, where the wealth created by some is seized and redistributed to others in the name of an impossible equality. This act of taking, of forcibly redistributing wealth, is a temptation that can never be satiated, for it is a system that thrives on envy, jealousy, and the desire to punish success.
The Utopian Socialist dreams of a world where this redistribution leads to universal prosperity and social harmony. But this dream is fleeting, for it ignores the fundamental nature of man and the realities of economics. The moment wealth is confiscated and redistributed, the incentive to produce is destroyed, innovation is stifled, and society begins to decay. History has shown us, in countries like Venezuela, that Utopian Socialism inevitably morphs into a form of Dictatorial Socialism. As the wealth of a nation is drained, as the productive are punished and the unproductive rewarded, the system must resort to force to maintain its illusion of equality. What begins as a promise of utopia always ends in tyranny, where the state, in its desperate attempt to control the collapsing economy, resorts to the brutal tactics of Communism. The result is always the same: a society enslaved, a nation impoverished, and the individual crushed under the weight of collective mediocrity.
Trump may offer a temporary reprieve, a moment of relief, but the salvation of Ohio, and indeed of America, lies in our hands. We must wrest control of the Republican Party back from those who have perverted it into a mere tool for Utopian Socialists that profit from the state. We must restore the party as an expression of the will of registered Republicans, a voice for the true patriots who believe in the greatness of America. Only then can we hope to rekindle the fire of American exceptionalism and restore the nation to its rightful place as a beacon of freedom and prosperity. The restoration of America - doesn’t start in Washington D.C. it starts in our own backyard by reforming our local and county parties and our State party and demanding that the party be a representation of the people. We need to set goals for our candidates and not re-elect them when they fail to meet reasonable expectations. We cannot continue to let politicians that are accountable only to Utopian Socialists to just work on their pet projects. We cannot expect to win a war when we don’t give our soldiers a battle plan - and the County and State Parties are supposed to be setting goals and holding politicians accountable to goals they set.
We cannot judge the performance of our Republican parties if they set no tangible goals.
We can no longer afford to have a party that is composed of nice and friendly people that do not get anything done.
Please don’t look at Trump as a knight on a white horse that will ride in and fix everything.
Coerced cooperation is tyranny. GOP moderates are globalist tools.
As soon as he spoke of the "Utopian Socialists," it smacks of the fascist divisive tactic of "Us versus Them." Read Jason Stanley's book, "How Fascism Works, the Politics of Us and Them." There are so many twisted attitudes in Bennett's article there's not enough room to address each one here. It's propaganda, like a silent cancer infiltrating and metastasazing into our brains, as something brand new but deadly nonetheless to our democracy. Just STOP it.