The difference between Tolerance and Acceptance. And the Moral imposition of Trans-identifying Persons on Conservatives
Why LGBQ can find societal acceptance and tolerance, and why "[T]rans" ideology is a bridge too far....

“Wokeism” is building to a crescendo in Ohio, and thanks are largely due to Amazon and the Intel Corporation and due to a lack of action and urgency by the Ohio Republican Party. Wokeism, originated out of communis#%t values err…. I mean, out of community values as first perpetuated by Facebook and then by Google and Twitter - and now - by companies like BlackRock, and it is all under the bespoke charm of being for “the greater good.” Wokeism proponents champion these values as being superior to Christian values (the values embraced by most of Western Civilization.)
Wokeism has grown through its supporters to be inclusive of BITE characteristics. BITE stands for (Behavior control, Information control, Thought control, and Emotional Control) to gain “acceptance” for community values. This is most apparent in the clever programs that non-profits, academia, and ideologues rallying against Western Civilization and Christianity have championed.
Educational programs that embrace BITE are PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support), SEL (Social Emotional Learning), CSE (Comprehensive Sex Education), and DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion). BITE characteristics are indicative of
When it comes to discussions about diversity and social inclusion, there are two concepts that are often talked about: acceptance and tolerance. Although these two ideas are related, there are profound key differences between them.
The time has come to stop using tolerance and acceptance interchangeably
Acceptance is a deep and positive attitude towards someone or something that is different from oneself. This involves not only acknowledging differences but also embracing and celebrating them. Acceptance requires a level of understanding and empathy, and a willingness to engage with others meaningfully. It is an active and positive stance towards diversity, and it requires a proactive approach.
Tolerance, on the other hand, is a willingness to endure or tolerate something that is different from oneself, even if one doesn't necessarily agree with it. Tolerance involves recognizing that others have the right to hold different beliefs, values, and behaviors, even if we don't share them. It is a more passive attitude that involves refraining from judgment or criticism, even if we don't fully understand or support something.
While both acceptance and tolerance are important for promoting social inclusion and diversity, acceptance is generally considered a more positive and proactive approach. It involves embracing and celebrating differences, which can lead to a deeper level of understanding and empathy. Tolerance, while important, is a more neutral and passive approach that doesn't necessarily encourage deeper engagement with others.
So, in essence, acceptance is an active and positive approach to diversity, while tolerance is a more neutral and passive one. Both are important, but acceptance is generally considered a more effective way to promote social inclusion and diversity.
From a Christian perspective, the fundamental principle of treating others with love and compassion is central. The Bible teaches that every person is created in God's image and has inherent worth and dignity. This means that all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, deserve respect, acceptance, and support.
Moreover, Jesus Christ himself emphasized the importance of loving and accepting others, even those who were marginalized or considered outcasts by society. He reached out to people who were considered sinners or immoral by the religious authorities of his time, demonstrating a compassionate and inclusive approach to all.
Christian Tolerance
Therefore, as Christians, we should strive to emulate Christ's example by showing love and empathy to all people, regardless of their gender identity. This includes lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and queer-identifying individuals, as well as transvestites. This is Christian love and empathy is not in the form of acceptance, but one of tolerance.
Christians argue that gender-affirming medication or surgery for transgender individuals goes against God's design and plan for humanity. It does not respect the sanctity of life. It is a perversity that is thrust upon the confused and the mentally impaired by a woefully misguided ideological cult through our schools and through government programs. There are real and moral consequences for a society that allows the mentally impaired to be taken advantage of by big medicine and big surgery for profit.
Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that gender dysphoria, the distress caused by a disconnect between a person's social identity and their biological sex, is a recognized medical condition. Gender dysphoria can cause significant mental and emotional suffering and, in some cases, lead to self-harm or suicide. The treatment for gender dysphoria is a fork in the road.
One road recognizes the truth and science of biological sex and helps those with Gender Dysphoria to accept their biological sex.
The other road is paved with junk science and lies and promises of acceptance of a social identity that will never materialize. Too many people do not want to entertain a lie. There are not cis-gendered women and transgendered women - there are real women and really a man, respectively.
There are many medical professionals and ethical experts who believe that gender-affirming treatment, including medication and surgery, can be a morally justifiable option for individuals experiencing gender dysphoria. This is the easy path to take, and the devil will offer it up every time, and take advantage of someone’s misery for profit. It may be a valid way to temporarily alleviate suffering and improve their quality of life, but the problem comes when true happiness cannot be found, and acceptance is not readily given.
A Support Cult
The WOKE ideology is a support cult that uses manipulation to brainwash those individuals that may be experiencing Gender Dysphoria. The cult supports and reaffirms a rebellious notion that the strident Christian does not understand science. That all Christians are somehow transphobic for not accepting a person that can not accept the gender they were born with. The overwhelming majority of Christians do not fear trans-identifying persons -
most Christians find it insulting and perverse to the dignity of the sex they are trying to emulate
most Christians will not entertain any form of acceptance, especially if it is demanded because it would be participating in a lie
most Christians will not participate in a lie like this because it is mentally harmful to a Gender Dysphoric person that reinforces an irrealistic social identity
The trans-wing of the woke movement has all the hallmarks that identify it as a cult.
The BITE model is a framework for identifying cults created by Steve Hassan, a mental health professional and former cult member. BITE stands for Behavior control, Information control, Thought control, and Emotional control.
Behavior Control: Cults often use behavior control to restrict their members' actions and choices. Some examples of behavior control include:
Dictating clothing, hairstyle, and grooming (boys must look like girls and vice versa)
Restricting communication with non-members or ex-members (no one should speak to a Christian pastor or to a de-transitioner)
Mandating specific diets or drugs practices
Advocating risky and dangerous sexual behavior
Information Control: Cults control the information their members have access to and often discourage critical thinking. Examples of information control include:
Using deception or misleading information to recruit new members
Discouraging members from seeking information outside the cult
Promoting the idea that the cult has a monopoly on the truth
Discouraging or punishing critical thinking or questioning of the cult's beliefs or practices
Thought Control: Cults use thought control to manipulate the beliefs and attitudes of their members. Some examples of thought control include:
Using loaded language or jargon that reinforces the cult's beliefs and values
Encouraging black-and-white thinking and discouraging critical thinking or questioning
Encouraging members to see the cult's leaders as infallible
Discouraging or punishing independent thought or dissent
Promoting the idea that leaving the cult is a sign of weakness or moral failure
Emotional Control: Cults often use emotional manipulation to create a sense of dependency and loyalty among their members. Examples of emotional control include:
Promoting the idea that the cult is the only source of love, acceptance, or support
Encouraging or requiring members to confess personal information or "sinful desires" to the group or “mental health professional”
Shaming members who question or criticize the group
Encouraging or requiring members to cut off contact with family or friends who are not part of the group.
These are the impossible pressures of the “WOKE” idealogues that put those suffering from gender dysphoria through.
In conclusion, from a Christian and moral perspective, tolerance that does not require one to participate in a lie in dealing with all individuals, including those with different social identities, is essential. We should strive to treat everyone with love, respect, and compassion, recognizing their inherent worth and dignity as creations of God - this can all be accomplished under tolerance. While there may be different opinions on the morality of gender-affirming treatments for transgender individuals, it is crucial to prioritize their long-term mental and emotional well-being and as Christians, while we have a duty of tolerance, we should reject the acceptance of a lie and acceptance of the trans-lifestyle - and we should hold accountable those taking advantage of persons afflicted with gender dysphoria. Unlike the trans community - the LGBQ community is not asking anyone to participate in their lie.
Interesting view. I see permissive as a negative and cowardly trait. Say a father knows his daughter is using illegal drugs. He knows this is wrong, illegal and dangerous, yet he says nothing in order to avoid conflict in their relationship. I see church leaders as being permissive of worldly sin because they don’t want to call out evil. I see teachers as being permissive by not calling out child abuse by other teachers. I see parents being permissive when they keep their kids enrolled in agenda camps in hopes of a sports scholarship. I believe we are are living in a time of extreme permissiveness by not calling out right and wrong. Tolerance and the you do you culture got us here. I really enjoyed your post.
Thanks for answering!
What is the difference between being tolerant and being permissive?