The fight for America runs through Ohio. The inexcusable and reprehensible performance of the Ohio Republican Party is only surpassed by frustrated Republicans living in Ohio. Above all, Republicans are supposed to be for limited government and personal freedom (the basis of conservatism). Yet, we can see how Ohio is trending - it is towards the more democratic/socialist side of the spectrum - and the Ohio Republican Party is leading the charge.
Ohio has one of the most complex codes of laws in the nation, only being outdone by California.
The spending by the State of Ohio is out-of-control for a State that wants to grow its economy.
FLORIDA SPENT $91 billion in 2020 with a population of 21,538,187 = $4,225 per capita spending (spending per person).
TEXAS SPENT $129.5 billion in 2020 with a population of 29,145,505 = $4,443 per capita spending.
OHIO SPENT $74.6 billion in 2020 with a population of 11,799,448 = $6,322 per capita spending
NEW JERSEY SPENT $67.8 billion in 2020 with a population of 9,288,994 = $7,298 per capita spending
With dominant Republican control over the last decade, Ohio is looking more and more like New Jersey and less like more successful and growing States like Florida and Texas.
Ohio has lost nine congressional seats since 1969, and yet, the special interests in Columbus, Ohio, want us to believe Ohio is a great place to work and live. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of Ohio State University professors and JobsOhio surrogates that have buried their heads in the sand to these realities and chose to portray Ohio with rose-colored glasses. If Ohio was a great place to live and work - people would be moving here at a much greater rate, and residents would be staying here for the opportunities. Make no mistake, the people in Ohio can be wonderful, and its communities can be beautiful - but Ohio is on a downward trend. And it has been on this downward trend for a long time.
Ohio is a hub for drug trafficking and human trafficking largely because of Democrat-controlled cities. Violent crime is on the rise everywhere in the State of Ohio. Every major city is controlled by Democrats, and their influence is growing - not receding. It is mind-numbingly ignorant to think that the Republican Party can cede every major city to Democrat control, and it has no effect on our prosperity. Yet, the Ohio Republican State Central Committee (ORSCC)/Ohio Republican Party (ORP) is still burying its head in the sand.
“We raise money to help elect Republican candidates and that is all we do”
This is the phrase "We raise money to help elect Republican candidates, and that is all we do." that is by and large - repeated by every Republican County and State Central Committee member in Ohio - verbatim. This means that effectively all the ORP and ORSCC are - is a marketing and fundraising organization. That the OHIO REPUBLICAN PARTY NECESSARILY STANDS FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING other than its own branding. These leaders tell us that it's the candidates that are supposed to make their own platforms and policies and the party and registered republicans are to support these candidates no matter what.
The content (platform of solutions) of the product (candidate) you are selling (wanting us to vote for) absolutely has relevance to the public. Yet, not only is the ORP not concerned with the quality of the content of their product - they go out of their way to obfuscate the ingredients in their products.
How do you engender passion for a company that won’t stand behind its product?
It is Russian roulette every time you vote for that company's product as to the performance you are going to receive?
How does the ORSCC/ORP explain????:
Why is Ohio's supposedly conservative governor's spending comparatively out of control with other much more successful states?
What is the Republican Party doing to grow the economy and population so Ohio doesn't lose another Congressional Seat?
A Republican governor putting an Obamacare, abortion advocate, Democrat, in charge of Ohio's public health during an emergency?
A Republican Governor appointees on the Ohio State Board of Education unanimously supporting critical race theory?
A Republican Governor that will not protect Ohio's women's sports? That refuses to recognize scientifically proven biology and embraces feelings of gender identity.
A Republican Governor that makes a commercial intimating that Ohioans are systemically racists and supports BLM (Black Lives Matter) after the Ohio Statehouse was ransacked by BLM riots.
Why isn't the State of Ohio taking a stronger stand on Opioid trafficking?
Why isn't the state taking a stronger stand on human trafficking?
A Cuomo-style shutdown during the pandemic that unnecessarily harmed businesses and did not lead to fewer deaths?
Why are we importing immigrants and refugees to Ohio during an economic downturn - especially when most are not properly vetted?
Because the ORSCC/ORP does not provide any direction to their candidates or officeholders by holding them accountable to a platform of solutions - the candidate solution are their solutions. The ORSCC/ORP are the ones that endorsed the candidate. When you endorse a candidate you endorse their solutions. State and County Central Committee members only have themselves to blame for the State of Ohio - that is where the finger needs to be pointed. THIS IS NOT A GAME - AND HORRIBLY STUPID DECISIONS HAVE HORRIBLY STUPID OUTCOMES. If you are a County or State Central Committee person this means you! You are personally part of the problem if you are not fighting to define the party.
The real fight (the fight to win the war against big government) is at the State Central Committee. The Ohio State Central Committee can no longer be run by imbeciles, and we expect miraculous change to occur. We can no longer allow the ORSCC to stand for nothing and be a vacuous marketing organization. It needs to stand for something!
"The truth is that political organizations, such as parties, are essential to the proper conduct of government - city, county, state, or national. America has a government "of the parties and by the parties," which results from the free assembly of the people and like-minded values, principles, and ideologies. Political parties were originally intended to bring people together to enact proper controls on the government, develop policies favorable to their interests or the groups that support them, and organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates that support their platform to office. Without the effective organization of the parties by the people, there would be no competent parties representing the will of the people in government. When political parties become weak and ineffective due to poor organization, then a government incompetent in representing the will of the people is a result."
Once the Republican party adopts a State centric platform that it organizes around - it ceases to be a "Do Nothing Republican Club" and becomes much more than a "Do Something Republican Club" - it becomes a Republican Club with a Plan for the Future!

“We empower Democrats when we do not proactively make plans to succeed. Winning campaigns are no longer a function of marketing. Winning campaigns are becoming more about the quality of the candidate and less to do with who can run the most advertising”
~ Ed Rollins
“When we do not educate the public on the value of our policies and principles - Democrats do, and will. Promoting a brand with no definable content is a fools errand”
~ Jon Morrow