They really aren't that good of cheaters
How the Ohio Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou and Parliamentarian Chris Slagle are working to expand abortion in the state of Ohio.
At a special meeting called by the Ohio Conservatives in Action Caucus members of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee introduced a pro-life resolution that included a binding measure preventing the committee from endorsing or financially supporting any candidate that supports abortion. During the special meeting, the chairman and parliamentarian allowed a complex amendment (made by Gloria Martin Kirker) that effectively created an entirely new substitute and much weaker resolution and refused to allow a motion to amend the original amendment to include the binding language.
A member of the committee Jake Warner made the second amendment to the first amendment to add the binding language back into the first amendment, but the chairman stated that the motion was out of order because the membership had just voted on an amendment that removed the binding language.
The actions of the chairman and parliamentarian were unequivocally deceitful, dishonest, and collusive because they allowed a long and complex amendment during a special meeting that disregarded the principles of fairness and transparency. Their refusal to allow a motion to amend the original amendment to include the binding language contradicted their earlier arguments of germaneness and showed a lack of interest in a fair and open discussion. In the marketplace of ideas, it is essential that minority viewpoints are allowed to be heard and considered, and any attempt to stifle them is morally and intellectually illegitimate.
The chairman and parliamentarian should have allowed the second amendment to put the binding language back into the first amendment, as it was relevant and absolutely germane to the original resolution and the members had a right to discuss and vote on it. This would have ensured a fair and transparent process that respects the viewpoints of all members.
Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised govern meetings of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee, and during a special meeting, no substitute resolutions could be considered. All amendments must be germane and must not replace so much of the original resolution as to effectively become a substitute bill. The meeting was called for only consideration of the proposed resolution. The chairman and parliamentarian argued that the complex but very weak amendment was germane because only the pro-life aspect of the resolution was pertinent, and the binding aspect was not pertinent (germane.) However, this argument was almost immediately contradicted by their refusal to allow the second amendment made by Jake Warner to include the binding language back into the first amendment, proving that the “binding” aspect was indeed germane and their motives disingenuous.
The actions of the chairman and parliamentarian during the special meeting of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee were deceitful and collusive. They deprived members of the opportunity to have a fair and open discussion. The second amendment to put the binding language back into the first amendment was relevant and germane to the original resolution and should have been allowed. The principles of fairness and transparency should guide all such proceedings, and any attempt to stifle minority viewpoints is morally and intellectually illegitimate.
When the proposed 60% solution was relevant was the first day of session and Chairman Triantafilou did not comment during the time it would have done the most good. If the 60% solution is placed on the ballot in November and wins it won’t stop the expansion of abortion if the abortion ballot initiative is successful. On the contrary, if the 60% solution is passed now it will be that much harder to ever repeal or amend the Ohio Constitution to limit or prevent abortion.
Full disclosure - the author of this article is very critical of the 60% solution. It is a bad solution for an even worse problem. There are a multitude of better solutions to this problem.
We have heard from pro-abortion advocates that are now advocating for the 60% solution so they can more permanently enshrine abortion into the Ohio Constitution. This is what makes it very odd that the chairman is coming out at this late date in support of the 60% rule - just when the pro-abortion advocates are doing the same.