Unveiling the Duplicitous Nature of Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee Leadership
Why has the Ohio Republican Party allowed more than $3 million in Republican donations to be used to support Democrat friendly Republican candidates?
In the heartland of America, where the principles of liberty and democracy are meant to flourish, a shadowy cabal lurks within the halls of the Ohio Republican Party’s State Central Committee. Its job is to ensure that moderate candidates friendly to paying special interests win elections.
This clandestine group, currently led by Chairman Alex Triantafilou, has long forsaken the principles of ethics and integrity, sowing discord and mistrust of the party amongst the ranks of everyday Ohio Republicans. The establishment Republicans, led by Triantafilou, preserves a party structure that patriots consider repugnant. The establishment empowers a party boss that use their power to ensure moderate candidates that are friendly to special interests retain power - in effect - selling the party to the highest bidder. It is also the reason why the party cannot raise a reasonable amount of funds from everyday Republicans that are not special interest influence peddlers.
Ohio’s Republicans are overwhelmingly conservative on most issues - but the Ohio Republican Party is not reflective of the majority because so few Republicans realize the significance of State and County Central Committees. Republicans have time an again shown their enthusiastic support for conservatives like Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump yet, the party can only muster very moderate pay-to-play Republicans for Governor. That is the way the establishment likes it! Over 95% of Ohio Republican Party funds come from special interest donations that are $1,000 or more. Whereas campaigns like Donald Trump for President raise more than 50% of their funds from regular everyday Republicans of $200 or less donations.
Reports abound from concerned Republicans across the state, detailing the nefarious machinations of the Ohio Republican Party's leadership team. It's a tale of treachery and betrayal, where dissenting conservative voices within the State Central Committee are met with hostility and sabotage, simply for daring to question the status quo. Difficult discussions are not to be had and any deviation from establishment policies are smeared as illogical numskulls that are so inept at running a party that if listened too the party would be destroyed.
At the heart of this conflict lies a fundamental dichotomy of purpose. On one side, we have the establishment faction, who view the State Central Committee as nothing more than a cheerleading squad for elected representatives, with blind allegiance and unwavering support. Their vision of the party is one devoid of accountability, where raising funds for re-election campaigns takes precedence over upholding the principles and values that Republicans hold dear.
Contrast this with a more conservative and patriotic vision, one championed by a minority of conservative voices within the State Central Committee. To conservatives, the SCC is not a toothless tiger, but a formidable force for accountability and reform. They believe in holding Republican officeholders accountable to the will of Ohio Republicans, demanding adherence to the principles that define our party.
In recent years, we've witnessed a seismic shift in the dynamics of the Ohio Republican Party. Conservatives within the SCC have emerged as champions of reform, pushing back against the establishment's stranglehold on power by shaming them into taking up conservative positions. They've achieved more in the last four years than in the preceding four decades, ushering in a new era of accountability and transparency thanks to those like members Jessica Franz, Stephanie Kremer, Chris Maurer, Joe Miller, Lauren Bowen, and Mike Witte.
One of the most significant issues that the SCC has faced is the Blue 22, a group of 22 members who have aligned themselves with Democrats. This group, led by Speaker of the House Jason Stephens, has caused the Ohio General Assembly to become incredibly lethargic and ineffective, setting a new low bar for getting things done. Fewer bills have made it out of Committee since the Eisenhower administration under the Blue 22 Regime.
For those that don’t know - The Speaker of the House picks the Chairmen of the committees and he almost exclusively appointed Blue 22 members to those chairmen positions. This has either kept conservative legislation from passing out of committee or it has been slow-walked and watered down.
The Blue 22 have been able to act with impunity, even in the face of scandal, due to moderate establishment types wanting the SCC to remain as cheerleaders. For example, when a unanimous Democrat caucus along with the Blue 22 elected the Stephens as the Speaker of the Ohio House, the conservative Republican SCC members called foul and called for real discipline, but the establishment SCC members chose to take a toothless tiger approach, giving the Blue 22 a mere tongue lashing instead of ensuring that Chairman Stephens and his Democrat sympathizing cohorts would not receive Republican donations from the Ohio House Republican Alliance. Had the establishment members treated the breach of trust for what it was and listened to the conservatives - that wanted to ensure that the Blue 22 did not receive Republican funds and that Speaker Stephens did not control the Ohio House Republican Alliance (OHRA) - what is transpiring now could have been avoided. Today the misappropriation theft in excess of $3 million dollars in (OHRA) Republican donations by Stephens would not have been used to support the Blue 22 Democrat sympathizer candidates if the conservatives were listened to.
SCC member Josh Brown championed the toothless tiger approach as did Chairman Alex Triantafilou. Today, Josh is calling for Alex to take over the OHRA fund because of the despicable campaigns that Stephens has run against fellow Republicans. Had Brown sided with conservatives months ago we would not be looking at another two years of Democrats stifling Republican supermajorities - due to Speaker Stephens treachery.
Unfortunately, most Republicans trust their Party Chairman no more than they trust Speaker Stephens.
Additionally, the premise of Brown's is flawed and will likely result in a very costly lawsuit costing hundreds of thousands - if not millions of Republican donors dollars. This could all be avoided by simply disaffiliating the blue 22 and throwing them out of the party - thereby making them run as unaffiliated candidates. This effort was quashed at the last meeting by Chairman Triantafilou. The Republican SCC has the exclusive power of disaffiliation at the State-level.
Josh Brown is intentionally leading an effort to take away Stephen’s control of OHRA that will purposefully occur too late to prevent the Blue 22 candidates from using millions in OHRA funds to make it past the primary. By state statute the legislative fund must be controlled by a member of the Ohio House Republican Caucus and Representative Phil Plummer has already filed suit to get control of OHRA funds. So the only actions that Brown could possibly take is exacerbating potential costly litigation.
The establishment's actions that have come too late and have led to a lack of trust and confidence among registered Republicans. Many conservatives believe that the establishment is tearing the party apart, prioritizing their own moderate interests over those of the party and its members.
The establishment has also not supported a closed primary election process because their candidates only win in an open primary where independents and Democrats get to pick Republican candidates for the General election. That was no more apparent than in the last Gubernatorial primary where nearly 200,000 Democrats, with a long history of voting for Democrats, pulled a Republican ballot for the first half of a split primary to vote for moderate Mike DeWine, and then returned to being a Democrat to vote for their state legislator for the second half of the split primary.
Poll after poll of Registered Republicans show that Mike DeWine could not win a primary election among Republicans. In fact, in Lorain County, it is doubtful Governor DeWine could win against Democrat Representative Joe Miller in a Republican primary contest as many Republicans consider Rep Miller more conservative than DeWine.
The establishment's use of party resources to support their preferred candidates, without the approval of the SCC, is another example of their unethical behavior. The use of Republican State Officer liaisons to make calls on behalf of conservative incumbent SCC members opponents, and the use of identical messaging in texts and emails, are evidence of this. Millionaire Dave Johnson - former disgraced treasurer of the Ohio Republican Party, and RNC committeeman Billionaire Jim Dicke, are rumored to have spent over $350,000 to try to exterminate the conservative contingent from the SCC using Ohio Republican Party paid volunteers. When the Chairman of the Party was confronted and asked for assurances that this was not happening - the chairman chose to not answer the question and brushed off all accusations without addressing them directly.
The Ohio Republican Party's Supermajorities in the Ohio House and Senate and holding all State officer's positions has not stopped Ohio from becoming an abortion on-demand State, sacrificing parental rights, expanding wokeism in its schools through SEL (Social Emotional Learning), and recreational marijuana legalization. Conservatives watched in awe as the establishment purposefully tanked the right-to-life efforts by trying to make the citizens ballot initiative essentially defunct by making it nearly impossible to submit citizen-led initiatives to change the Ohio Constitution.
The SCC is supposed to be the standard bearer of the principles and values that Republicans expect in their politics. They do not expect unholy unions with leftists, socialists, Democrats. The SCC is supposed to be a representative body that is the board of directors of the Republican Party representing the will of Ohio Republicans. The SCC is supposed to define the party and the standards to which candidates shall adhere too. Even in this effort, rather than draft a meaningful platform of legislative objectives - establishment figures fought for a toothless mantra of rhetoric and platitudes already present in the Republican National Committee Platform.
The duplicitous and unethical nature of the Ohio Republican Party's State Central Committee leadership team has led to a lack of trust and confidence in the party. The establishment's actions have resulted in a divided party that is unable to effectively represent the will of its constituency. It's time for the SCC to prioritize the interests of its constituency, and to take action to restore trust and confidence in the Ohio Republican Party.
Under the Blue 22's lackluster leadership, the Ohio Republican Party has stumbled, failing to deliver on its promises to the people of Ohio. Supermajorities in the legislature have proven ineffective in stopping the tide of progressive policies, as the establishment prioritizes the political interests of the Blue 22 over any admission that conservatives were right.
The time has come for Ohio Republicans to rise up and reclaim their party from the clutches of the establishment elite. We must demand accountability, transparency, and unwavering fidelity to the principles that define us as Republicans. The future of our party and our state hangs in the balance, and it's up to us to ensure that the torch of liberty burns bright for generations to come.
Chairman Triantafilou has not been the new Sheriff in town that he promised to be, he has not allowed conservative voices to be heard and considered. He and the other establishment figures on the Central Committee could not bear the shame that conservatives exposed them too and have decided it is time for the conservatives to go. Chairman Triantafilou has failed Ohio Republicans in almost every conceivable way and Ohioans should demand that leadership change during the next organizational meeting that should take place in April to elect a conservative Chairman.
State Central Committee Candidate(s) to Represent Ohio Senate District 01
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