Ohioans are tired of Republicans that do not want us to keep score.
"INNOVATE, OR DIE" is just as true for politics as for industry. The Republican Party cannot afford to remain an unchanging institution. It is not a country club or an association. The Republican Party should be a team of individuals devoted to an ideology that will allow Americans to prosper. There is no room for seniority if seniority is underperforming. Old and young need to work together to find the magic recipe to register more Republicans and convey Republican concepts and principles so that they can build passion amongst the populace.
We have young Republicans that need mentors for the next generation - but the previous generation that fought so hard to gain power - they are having trouble handing off the baton. There is always more than one way to a solution - and business as usual - is not working. Let’s expand our minds and start thinking outside the box. The December 3rd Republican State Central Committee Meeting will be a bellwether on maintaining the status quo -or- becoming a team that thinks outside of the box.
It is time for some of the old ways to die - like unethically putting your thumb on the scale to re-elect candidates bent on destroying our future.
THE BIGGEST MISTAKE THAT IS MADE is believing that the Republican Party does not have a heart or soul. That as long as we win that the content of our politicians does not matter. As much as the political consultants want us to think that we should stand for "nothing" and let a cult of personalities define the Party when they run for office, we know instinctively, this is not the path to follow. People are creatures of passion - they are passionate about issues and making the world a better place. Failure to respond to what the people are passionate about - means a dying and half-hearted interest in our brand.
We (Republicans) are a luxury brand, and we need to build a passion for our brand just like Apple builds passion for their products.
Our brand must stand for something. We must be active and we must be engaging. Most importantly, we must take end-to-end responsibility for our candidates (products we produce).
The American automobile industry lost tremendous market share to Japanese vehicles in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. The Japanese quickly realized that Americans did not like their cars breaking down - so the Japanese focused on quality control. Unfortunately, American manufacturers were slow to react. They lost a tremendous amount of market share.
If a political party adopts a platform - it can be viewed as a quality standard. Every politician can be measured objectively against that standard. If the quality is too low - we throw out the pieces - in political terms, not supporting candidates who do not support the platform.
Look at the squad's success in the Democrat Party - even though they are a minority - they are shaping policy. How are they doing that? They have a platform that a small portion of the population is very passionate about.
The Republican Party needs to be more worried about building a passion for the Party and its platform than candidates.
A platform is a way to change our world over decades rather than just during particular administrations.
There have been many emails to this newsletter as of late and lots of insinuations being thrown around about the Republican Reformists newsletter (this newsletter), and we’ll try to address them right here. Since this email has expanded - current subscriber-base exceeds 30,000 with another 14,000 waiting in the wings to receive this publication - many that have been volunteers of traditionally run Republican institutions resent many of the mismanagement charges leveled at them.
What are the motivations behind this newsletter, what is its driving force?
Is this newsletter trying to destroy the Ohio Republican Party?
Is this organization irrational and unreasonable - and riding high on an extreme right-wing self-proclaimed patriotic mission from God?
Is this newsletter run by independents, the Constitution Party, Libertarians, or Democrats?
Is the organization a white supremacist organization?
First, this newsletter is run by long-time Republicans. No Democrats or independents take part in the creation of content. These Republicans have experience in other States and even in other countries. A contributor to the content even appears pretty regularly on FOXNews. So to dismiss this newsletter as people pulling “stuff” out of their “a_ses” is very shortsighted.
Second, most of those who help create and curate content in this newsletter are very dissatisfied with the performance of the Ohio Republican Party. The intent is to change the behavior of the established institution. We hope to educate, transform, and convert State Central Committee members - failing to accomplish that, we hope to shame and replace members that refuse to learn, adapt, and overcome.
The Ohio Republican Party has not learned how to learn, adapt, and overcome - this is the reason the State of Ohio is descending into a drug-fueled haven for human trafficking and violent crime - all the while we pay higher taxes for worse performance. The “board of directors of the company” (the State Central Committee of Ohio) are not taking ownership of the “company’s” (State of Ohio) current condition.
The ORP (Ohio Republican Party) is not just a marketing engine - the ORP shapes our lives - and we all have to live with the poor decisions and mismanagement made by our board of directors. Unfortunately, there is a disconnect between those serving on the State Central Committee and the power and influence they wield. Note to State Central Committee members - the opioid epidemic, human trafficking, and out-of-control government spending result from your management of the Party in charge.
At the Republican Reformist, we love what the Republican Party says it stands for - unfortunately, they don’t practice what they preach. We are sick and tired of it.
Not one more woman or child trafficked on our watch - not one more opioid death - stop the outrageous spending and schemes to reward friends, families, and lobbyists.
Not only are we angry about what Ohio is becoming - we are angry about what we are not - all the wasted opportunities the State could have had, were blown because of those supporting an institution that cannot enact policies that allow Ohio to prosper.
When your county party tells you that they cannot get involved in local races or school board races - that doesn’t mean they can’t - that means they won’t. They are too worried about the division in the Party. This is akin to arguing about building an ark while the tidal wave washes everyone away - and no one is saved.
Guess what? We better get involved if we don’t want our children to be indoctrinated with liberal ideals and perspectives. The democrats are involved.
In particular, the last 50 years and the last 10 years have been a contest of who can rob the most from the Ohio taxpayer when they come into power. This insanity has to stop. Electing lawyers to manage a State that has no experience managing anything, is unsustainable - and a threat to the American way of life.
The ruling class does not want to acknowledge the deaths that are occurring and the women and children being sold into prostitution. As a result, people are dying, and women and children are faced with horrible choices.
Republicans are supposed to stand against slavery - yet human trafficking has flourished under Republican leadership. All the while, Democrats are stoking a race war through BLM and ANTIFA.
Third, we will support those calling for reform. We will oppose Republicans that say one thing but do another. We will embrace you if you are on the State Central Committee and are calling for reform. This is also why we require a defined platform - this is your contract of what you say you will do. A platform is not what you stand for - or what you support; instead, it is what you will do and how you intend to do it. We’ll never vote for Democrats - but if the Republican Party will not reform itself, we will not vote and are determined to be a pain in the ass for the Party.
Fourth, we are not racist - but we do stand for wholesome American values - the kind that are borrowed heavily from a Judea-Christian upbringing. We will not apologize nor be shamed for our color, beliefs, or sexual orientation. We welcome legal immigrants and admonish illegal behavior. We are a country and a state of laws. We do not fear nor hate those with an alternative lifestyle. It is a free country - but we stand against the sexualization of our children and trying to force acceptance of certain lifestyles down our throats.
There will always be those that will stand in the way of taking a risk and leading the world. They will always be there - we must rise up