Why the Ohio Republican Party is Successful at Failing Conservatives
What are the State and County Central Committee roles in shaping the GOP?

For years, conservatives have wanted the Republican party to more reflect their beliefs and for years, moderate Republicans within the party have ignored those pleas. Since the 1970s moderate Republicans have buried their heads in the sand and the State is a shadow of its former self.
Ohio is no longer a manufacturing powerhouse compared to many cities in China and is no longer the breadbasket of the nation. For a Republican ran State it has many of the problems you would expect from a Democrat State.
Ohio is a death spiral state with more takers than makers.
Ohio was 3rd in the nation for having the most complex statutory code (lots of laws) and is now 2nd - surpassing the State of New York.
All major cities in Ohio are controlled by Democrats.
With the exception of Columbus, OH all major cities have high unemployment, rising drug use, and deaths, and violent crime is up across the board.
Human trafficking and Child Sex trafficking was 4th in the nation and Ohio is widely expected to become number 1 or 2 by 2022.
Ohio has not kept up in population with the rest of the nation since the 1970s. Ohio once had 24 House seats in Congress. By 2022 we will have lost 9 seats.
Ohio is not a good place to do business. It needs to be cleaned up and adults need to be put in charge. Unfortunately, the Republican State Central Committee stands in the way of progress instead of being a solution. This can be changed if we can change the thinking of the ORP (Ohio Republican Party).
Contacting the Party
People that want to make a large donation normally want to have a discussion with someone in charge to make certain the contribution can be made in the proper way and to the correct political fund. Yet, there is no phone number on the website. Worse yet, there is no business listing for the Ohio Republican Party on Google. Even county parties that maintain a headquarters have that.

Registering your headquarters with Google to get a free business listing is very easy to do and helps to reduce the need to advertise.
But what about social media? Again - there is no phone number and no way to get a timely response from someone at the Party.
Let’s look at Texas:
Let’s look at Florida:
Let’s look at North Carolina:
The political parties that tend to be the most successful in passing conservative legislation have regular engagement with registered Republicans and they can be a valuable tool in helping to pass legislation. Any businessman will tell you that if you want to sell products you gotta talk to the customer. If you want Ohioans to buy more conservatism - you gotta sell it!
It is up to the ORP to reassure donors that their funds are being spent wisely. Currently, the ORP has done absolutely nothing to reassure donors their money is being spent wisely.
Why should the State Central Committee reassure Republicans that their donations are not being used for dancing girls and beer money? Hmmmmm….
At this point, a real leader that is acting ethically and honestly would come out with a statement like:
The Ohio Republican Party has been marred with scandals over the last 10 years. This stops today under my watch! I have drafted a policy platform for the Ohio Republican State Central Committee that any candidate wanting support from the party must promise to implement. Additional measures I am taking to preserve the integrity of the party are to:
I am recommending the adoption of a code of conduct for the State Central Committee.
I have hired Kathy Coffman that is a specialist in cleaning up financial books so that they can be audited.
I have asked the State Central Committee to pick an independent auditor that the party has no relationship with. I have asked that ORP management have no advisory role over the auditor and that the Finance Committee work directly with the auditor.
To make certain there is no appearance of impropriety, I have asked the State Central Committee members to elect the chair of the finance committee.
I am changing the accounting system to Sage 50 Cloud accounting that uses a double entry accounting method.
To be totally transparent so that everyone can see where every nickle goes we will be posting our financials online.
I will discuss with members why we need to have a State Convention every two years so that we end the back-room deals in smoke filled rooms.
I am asking the State Central Committee members to consider adopting new bylaws and to create a committee for reviewing and making recommendations to the party.
To ensure that no one is acting unethically, I will insist that any type of endorsements for candidates, that all appointees or those that work for the State of Ohio and are State Central Committee members recuse themselves from voting.
I will encourage State Central Committee members not to endorse themselves and to not use party resources for their re-election.
This will help to stop the scandals that are destroying our party and help to reassure donors that their money will be used wisely.
Not only are things business as usual at the ORP - the Chairman has been virtually silent on GOP scandals - not really a good look.
Additionally, the chair and ORP management have been skirting the bylaws and the State Central Committee has agreed that the chairman has unlimited discretionary spending…..????? I mean who in their right mind does this?
After your party is rocked with scandals, you haven’t had an audit for 16 years, and you can’t follow the bylaws of the party to save your life - and then you give the chairman unlimited discretionary spending and allow him to support unendorsed candidates with millions of dollars - well…….you gotta have rocks in your head to think that it will play well with the public.
Well, good luck trying to contact an Ohio State Central Committee member.
There is no phone number for the Ohio Republican Party. So you can’t call them and there is no way to email them and get a timely response.
Luckily, for you, CommitteeforaBetterOhio.com has put that information online as it has become available to them. They rank very high on google and their website gets more activity per day than the Ohio Republican party does.

If you don’t like the way the party is being run - it is run by the members of the State Central Committee. That is where that finger needs to be pointed at.
Please visit Committee for a Better Ohio to get the contact information for your State Central Committee member. You need to know the Senate District you live in and you can get that by calling your local board of election.
You can’t expect the State of Ohio to be run like a well-oiled machine when the party in charge can’t even balance their books. The appearance is devastating.
It’s easy to say that world events and things out of our local control are leading to the demise of Ohio. We’ve lost nine congressional seats in 50 years. With that rate - in 75 years Ohio will have 0 congressional seats. It is time to buck up and get a strategy - time to put on the big boy pants - and be an adult and do what needs to be done to put Ohio back on top. It is up to the State Central Committee to have that vision and draft that platform. Without a vision or platform - moderate Republicans win and we are all much worse off because of it!
Guess who keeps the State Central Committee in check by drafting resolutions? Your local County Central Committee! If they are not giving State Central Committee members feedback - they are not doing their jobs.