Hog-wash. I'll not spend any time considering "what went wrong" or who spent more on postcards or TV commercials, or thinking that radical voices somehow magically outnumber rational thought. Believing this is a byproduct of the systematic muting of anyone/everyone not far-Left in media and social media.

I have less than zero confidence in our Elections Infrastructure. (See also: Bridgeport CT court ruling, Pennsylvania vote-flipping/closure issues, Fulton County GA cases, Mohave & Maricopa County AZ issues/cases, New York and Wisconsin cases, etc.).

Did you know? Our existing systems are designated "proprietary" so We The People are forbidden from evaluating the hardware or software associated with determining the will of The People. This destroys the fundamental notion of "vote in private, count in public."

Did you know? Chain-of-Custody laws that are designed to protect We The People are routinely ignored.

At some point I expect someone to explain to me how We The People gave over complete control of running elections to the very government that We The People use the power of the vote to replace.

Having spent exhaustive time involved in reviewing and analyzing Elections Infrastructure, I have less than zero confidence in reported results. The fact that courts are now agreeing (and the state of Georgia just very specifically said "this is not conspiracy theory", that the systems are fundamentally bad, and a Bridgeport Judge just ruled that recent elections were so rife with fraud that there's no way of telling who (or what issue) won, and the fact that the very systems we're using are outlawed in many other developed nations...

I'll not discuss "what churches could have done differently" or how Ohio is suddenly so woke that we'll accept anything. Not until we have elections that have a clear, reliable, replicable, transparent trail NOT hidden from public scrutiny.

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The Americas were found before Columbus. The gerrymandered Republican Government of Ohio refuses to adhere to the will of the citizens with their radical right-wing ideology the seems to be geared to self-aggrandizement. If the citizens of this state manage to wrest the re- districting from the politicians in Columbus and provide a truer makeup of the body politic. The more beneficial migration of the political ideology toward the middle of the road will happen.

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Very doubtful that it would move towards the middle. Ohio has always contemporarily voted towards the extreme end of the spectrum when it involves candidates championing smaller and more efficient government and more freedom. We've seen that with Reagan and Trump wins in Ohio. Mediocrity has always been at the behest of the education received in the urban of counties.

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Let me think about that. Smaller and more efficient government. Like a strongman rule with no opposing checks and balances, like an authoritarian dictatorship or oligarchy of well-meaning men who know what is good for us. Power acquired by any means necessary for our own good. like gerrymandering, voter suppression rules, lying about the vote outcome and claiming stolen election, just plain ignoring the will of the people, violent insurrection and let us not forget false propaganda spread on social media. Reagan killed the middle class and, well, Trumps list of sins is self-evident. I just hope you can't fool all of the people all of the time or for long. A. Lincoln

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Is it self-evident? I think not. Reagan didn’t kill the middle-class, Jimmy Carter did that all on his own. Reagan was not without his faults and while spending did increase under his watch - the USSR threat fell - and much of the federal government became more efficient. Spending increased in the areas of military defense and social programs. Urban counties simply need more freedom to fail and succeed. Public schools are the largest disservice to urban schools followed by poor parenting which is caused by a delusional belief of oppression by European caucasians which leads to the detrimental mindset of victimization. We are in agreement of the need of checks and balances and I will continue to call for a system of checks and balances that fosters unity, prosperity, and growth. Reagan and Trump just like Kennedy were big proponents of checks and balances to stop an out of control government - that has been more appropriately accomplished through our representative government or at least a majority of voters. With well over 8million registered voters....only 27% of Ohio voters amended Ohio’s Constitution. That is a super minority of voters. That cannot be allowed to stand and that is the anthesis on one person one vote.

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When I say self-evident, I mean multiple confessions out of his [Trump] own mouth and one conviction of rape in New York, and one conviction of fraud in New York City. As for myself, the insult of disparaging of Veterans of the second world war and Viet Nam war as losers and unsightly in and of itself is disqualifying. God only knows what else he has done, but he is unfit to be President. I am not going to compare him to other contenders for or holders of the office and their short comings. I will only judge Trump on this own actions.

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That is fine - it is America and everyone is allowed to have their opinion. We disagree on some things and there is nothing wrong with that!

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Agreed, peaceful discourse on subjects of the day is what a healthy democracy is rooted in and is essential. Opinions are like body parts, everybody has one. An opinion held must be based on all available truth and facts. The current fad opinion that there are "alternative truths", and facts is false. This was seen in Germany in the late 1920s. The dehumanization of the "other", eliciting tribal fear mongering and self-victimization, and ridiculing and bullying the opposition are pathways to authoritarianism with the false opinion that one man can solve the perceived problems. This is truly a bad idea and has never worked historically. Better to have the messy democracy based on truth and an educated engaged electorate. A few honorable women and men wouldn't hurt either.

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How do I check a precinct's voting totals on issue 1?

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