I was due 8 weeks of Ohio unemployment starting June 2021. After a hearing, I received a lump sum in March 2022, The unemployment filing process was pure hell. And a lump sump sum almost a year late does not meet the goals of unemployment compensation. The current Ohio unemployment system has incompetency, fraud, and disregard for Ohio' workers who pay Ohio income tax. Complaints to the Ohio Inspector General and Ohio Auditor were ignored. DeWine appointed the people running and monitoring Ohio's unemployment. DeWine knows how horrible the Ohio Unemployment system is and does nothing to help Ohio Workers. DeWine must go.
Some background would have been helpful in this article. The November 2022 election for Ohio Governor, which has (according to ballotpedia) four candidates--one Republican, one Democrat, and two Independents (including Petersen).
Thank you for this background on Petersen. It gives me hope that I can vote for another candidate with values that align with mine. After what he did to Ohioans during the pandemic, DeWine will never get my vote (and a Democrat never will either).
We stand a slim chance of beating both DeWine and the dem if it’s just Niel but I really think that other independent would take the rest of our much-needed votes and Niel would lose.
I was due 8 weeks of Ohio unemployment starting June 2021. After a hearing, I received a lump sum in March 2022, The unemployment filing process was pure hell. And a lump sump sum almost a year late does not meet the goals of unemployment compensation. The current Ohio unemployment system has incompetency, fraud, and disregard for Ohio' workers who pay Ohio income tax. Complaints to the Ohio Inspector General and Ohio Auditor were ignored. DeWine appointed the people running and monitoring Ohio's unemployment. DeWine knows how horrible the Ohio Unemployment system is and does nothing to help Ohio Workers. DeWine must go.
Some background would have been helpful in this article. The November 2022 election for Ohio Governor, which has (according to ballotpedia) four candidates--one Republican, one Democrat, and two Independents (including Petersen).
Thank you for this background on Petersen. It gives me hope that I can vote for another candidate with values that align with mine. After what he did to Ohioans during the pandemic, DeWine will never get my vote (and a Democrat never will either).
TWO independents???
We stand a slim chance of beating both DeWine and the dem if it’s just Niel but I really think that other independent would take the rest of our much-needed votes and Niel would lose.
Here’s hoping the other one drops out.
I informed the GOP that they needed to primary-out DeWine or watch Ohio turn blue!
When they endorsed the little dictator, I officially left the Republican Party, taking all my donations with me!
I’m still a Conservative but I don’t think a dem in office would hurt us anymore than dewine would.
Knowing I have a true Patriot alternative gives me hope though.
I can vote for Niel and feel good about my vote.
And hey!!! - he can always switch parties to GOP if he wants to, after he wins!!!