Contact me. Let’s talk Precinct Strategy. It’s imperative that we get Republicans back involved in the Republican Party. Many/most are clearly Democrat activists (see also: Ohio RINO Hunters, on social media. I run it and would love help exposing & discussing)
I’d love to join you! I am in Summit County and it’s a compromised GOP!!! They don’t support grassroots candidates, only puppets that can be controlled. We have vacancies too and they don’t try to recruit conservatives who have proven themselves!!
Establishment GOP are fighting tooth-and-nail to remain feckless and as a component of the far-Left. It’s up to us, We The People to populate the Republican Party with actual Republicans. Think of it like school boards; school boards are overwhelmingly populated with far-Left activists who crave garbage like race-baiting, sexualizing children, data-mining, and high-cost projects and consultants over Education. In both cases - local republican party and school boards - flipping them to majority intelligent-Americans-who-care results in halting the Leftists and a return to customary standards, such as Education and Constitution. This fight, in other words, belongs to We The People, not established institutions.
I agree. I've fought those corrupt school boards at our local level. I've seen how dirty our GOP is and was at the receiving end of it because I stood up against them and called them out for what they were doing. Even the elected officials that people think are good and dedicated, sell their souls to them. They won't rock the boat! When they tried to undermine me, they thought they won, but they fully exposed themselves and how dirty they are to all the precinct people who weren't bought!
This could have easily been written about our County party. What a mess we have found ourselves in! Sad to know we aren’t alone.
Contact me. Let’s talk Precinct Strategy. It’s imperative that we get Republicans back involved in the Republican Party. Many/most are clearly Democrat activists (see also: Ohio RINO Hunters, on social media. I run it and would love help exposing & discussing)
I’d love to join you! I am in Summit County and it’s a compromised GOP!!! They don’t support grassroots candidates, only puppets that can be controlled. We have vacancies too and they don’t try to recruit conservatives who have proven themselves!!
Establishment GOP are fighting tooth-and-nail to remain feckless and as a component of the far-Left. It’s up to us, We The People to populate the Republican Party with actual Republicans. Think of it like school boards; school boards are overwhelmingly populated with far-Left activists who crave garbage like race-baiting, sexualizing children, data-mining, and high-cost projects and consultants over Education. In both cases - local republican party and school boards - flipping them to majority intelligent-Americans-who-care results in halting the Leftists and a return to customary standards, such as Education and Constitution. This fight, in other words, belongs to We The People, not established institutions.
I agree. I've fought those corrupt school boards at our local level. I've seen how dirty our GOP is and was at the receiving end of it because I stood up against them and called them out for what they were doing. Even the elected officials that people think are good and dedicated, sell their souls to them. They won't rock the boat! When they tried to undermine me, they thought they won, but they fully exposed themselves and how dirty they are to all the precinct people who weren't bought!