This smells of a White Nationalist ideology. I am a Boomer and a Historian. There are rational Conservative ideas. I am a fiscal conservative in some respects. What concerns me are the ideologies that are beyond conservative to the point of being across the ditch, over the fence and near the horizon on the right side of the road. The paranoid fear of the loss of white supremacy and the professed victimhood of WASP this thinking only pushes the masses farther to the right which is not good for the Republic. The Article on school discipline did a good job of illustrating that all school are not the same. What works in one will not work in others. That is why having more than one tool in the box is a good thing and exercising flexibility to customize an approach. But the conclusion took the case right over the fence to divide the readers into us and them as does your comment.

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Well, it is America and we are all allowed to have our opinions.......thanks for reading and the feedback!

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The first paragraph of the conclusion betrays your true intent. The use of the word "woke" as a pejorative to infer that the HB318 is a liberal attempt to undermine the public school system is false. To be awake and aware of one's surroundings is preferable to being unconscious of the world around you and delusional in the dream of reactionary (Conservative) myths of the good old days.

As for the Conservative solution presented here, I would simply refer you to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and by extension the Ohio Constitution and ORC.

Woke Up!

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Like all "woke" people you provide nothing to backup your assertions. As far as your referrals - they provide no context - so unless being "woke" is bereft of any logical comprehension to make a cogent argument - maybe you had better stop opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

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It was not my intent to write a dissertation on the use of religious doctrine in legislation but simply to remind the somnambulist of the principle. There is no "WOKE". It is a term used to arouse the uninformed and denigrate the "other". One is reactionary, static, or progressive. To be reactionary is to go backward. Static is to do nothing and maintain the status quo. Progressive is to move forward, adapt, and evolve. As for me I chose the middle of the road while moving forward, steering Right or Left as needed and staying awake.

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Oh, there are "woke" ideologies and they are defined as an institutional hatred for whites, western culture, Christianity, and America in general. It is a victimhood mentality that is trumpeted by the Democrat and Socialist party to keep the ACLU in business with demagoguing laws, rules, policies, and procedures based on dubious initiatives and laws. Being "woke" is to accuse all boomers of being phobic of everything the oppose and that their is no rational basis for a conservative rationale. Is it a term to denigrate - yep absolutely. This is not an article from a centrists perspective - it is a truthful perspective from a Republican point of view.

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