The New Influx of Refugees Coming from Yemen to The State of Ohio and the Economic Pain that will Follow
Ohio's Open Door: How Mike DeWine's liberal open door Policies Have Invited Chaos and Corruption and is turning Ohio Blue.
10,000 Yemeni Refugees Coming to Ohio
In a world where leadership demands the courage to safeguard its citizens, Ohio’s governor, Mike DeWine, has chosen to champion chaos under the guise of economic development and humanitarianism. His actions, cloaked in the virtuous language of empathy, have become a beacon for exploitation, crime, and despair. Let us strip away the pretense and reveal the grim reality that DeWine’s policies have unleashed on Ohio’s citizens.
The Asylum Industry: A Pipeline for Cartels
Since the 1990s when former Lt. Governor Mike DeWine left for the Senate he has been a staunch ally of those seeking asylum in the United States. DeWine used his influence to make a home for Somalis and for those with less than properly vetted backgrounds. Then Senator DeWine worked with Governor George Voinovich to bring the second largest number of Somalis to the United States - only being outdone by Minnesota. Latest figures have Ohio having in excess of 80,000 displaced Somalis that call Ohio home. A voting block that is 85% democrat.
But when Governor DeWine has had the power to do so he has always invited refugees from many foreign countries and provided many benefits to these refugees with taxpayer dollars. He has always done so with the blessing of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, and the Club for Growth. These organizations are devoted to business interests that want lower wages and cheap labor. Let’s be clear - most of the asylum seekers enter the country illegally and then claim asylum - the vast majority of which never show up for their immigration hearings. So “asylum” is just a pretext to get into America and get benefits provided by taxpayers. DeWine’s open-door policy for illegal asylum seekers is not an act of kindness—it is a betrayal to Ohio families and to Ohioans. The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Southwest Border Coordination Center (SBCC) has turned asylum claims into a lucrative industry. DHS grants federal funds to non-profits that, in practice, serve as conduits for cartel operations. These non-profit organizations, often infiltrated by cartel agents, are paid to relocate migrants to states like Ohio, where they become pawns in a system that benefits everyone except law-abiding citizens.
Cartels leverage this broken system to traffic drugs, exploit women and children, and depress wages. DHS currently has 24,000 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers along the Southwest Border, and to get agents back in the field has hired and contracted for over 2,000 additional non-uniformed personnel to assist in processing and facility operations. DHS non-uniformed personnel, tasked with processing asylum seekers, have been investigated for connections to drug cartels and human trafficking. Over 200 personnel have faced scrutiny, yet the Biden administration and Governor DeWine remain complicit in perpetuating this cycle of corruption.
CBP releases illegals that claim asylum to unvetted non-profits that have cartel agents within them. These non-profits get money from DHS and FEMA to ship illegals claiming asylum to states that have first confirmed they will take the illegal asylum seekers. Second they look at the benefits that States provide for illegal asylum seekers, and lastly they look to see if they have a receiving non-profit that can put the illegals seeking asylum to work. This usually involves another non-profit that can house the illegals and that have agreements with headhunters that in turn have agreements with large corporations to employee the illegals - usually in conditions that are best described as well below the poverty line. Lastly, illegals are normally placed within 100 miles of a district immigration Court or a sub-facility with televideo so the court can act remotely.
This is nothing new. In the 1990s Ohio had a very low amount of human trafficking. As Ohio brought in the Somalis that Minnesota would not have - is it any wonder that the country of Somalia that is the world epicenter of human trafficking for Muslim extremists - would establish roots in Ohio?
Crime is big business in war torn Somalia. And the second largest criminal market in Somalia is human trafficking. After years of war the criminal terror enterprise of Al-Shabaab (a Muslim extremist group) working with Boko Haram realized they had a lot of women and children with no fathers and quickly saw this as an economic enterprise and lucrative human trafficking. As men died during battle - their families would be sold off into sexual slavery helping to finance terror across the globe. Ships loaded with heroin from the Poppies in Afghanistan would leave and pick up women and children to be trafficked in North, Central, and South America that would also be used as drug mules. It is a short voyage from Afghanistan to Somalia and then to the cartels of Mexico, Columbia, and Central America.
Ohio: A Haven for Exploitation
Ohio, under DeWine’s leadership, has become a magnet for illegal asylum seekers and a magnet for al-Shabaab and Book Haram. The very tight knit communities of Somalis in Ohio are hard to notoriously hard to infiltrate and it is equally hard to find detectives that can speak the language. Why aren’t upstanding Somalis eager to wipe this stain from their new home? Many Somalis have extended family still in Somalia and if they out the business interests of Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, and/or the Cartels - harm will come to their extended family in the most horrific of ways. This coupled with the illegal activity that is associated with casino gambling that was established under Kasich routinely puts Ohio into the number two spot per capita for human trafficking, Women Sex Trafficking, Child Sex Trafficking, and drug overdose deaths.
Ohio’s willingness to provide benefits, coupled with non-profits eager to house and exploit migrants, creates a perfect storm to hide this illegal activity. Corporations capitalize on the influx of labor from men fleeing war torn countries, offering jobs under conditions that barely meet subsistence levels. These same corporations depress wages for Ohio’s residents, forcing them to compete with an unregulated labor pool.
DeWine’s actions are not only economically destructive but also socially corrosive. Illegal asylum seekers are often placed within 30 to 40 miles of immigration courts in Cleveland and televideo courts in Tiffin, Hamilton, Chardon, and Orient. These areas have witnessed an uptick in crime, gang activity, and have overwhelmed social services. The resulting strain on healthcare systems and skyrocketing insurance premiums are the direct consequences of DeWine’s reckless policies. These refugee policies are changing the political makeup of Ohio and helping build larger and larger democrat strongholds in cities that were once evenly divided or leaned Republican. It is estimated that over 90% of Yemenis that come to Ohio will register to become Democrats after they become naturalized Americans.
Humanitarian Tragedy or State-Sanctioned Slavery?
The moral cost of this policy is staggering. Vulnerable women and children are funneled into a system that fails to protect them. Many vanish into the abyss of gang violence and sex trafficking. Meanwhile, young men are forced into sub-poverty jobs, perpetuating a cycle of despair. Ohio’s cities are inundated with the fallout: increased gang activity, drug overdoses, and strained public resources.
DeWine’s justification? Refugees and asylum seekers bring economic development. But this so-called development is a mirage, a short-lived boom that leaves devastation in its wake. The influx of unvetted migrants destabilizes communities, erodes trust, and sacrifices the well-being of Ohio’s citizens on the altar of political expediency.
The Yemenis Crisis: A New Wave of Trouble
From many credible sources the decision of the Governor to accept 10,000 Yemenis refugees further exemplifies DeWine’s disregard for the state’s safety and stability. While other states like Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia maintain stricter immigration policies by not opening their doors so wide, Ohio’s open arms invite chaos. These refugees, many unvetted and unassimilated, add to the mounting social and economic pressures. The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) has even facilitated the relocation of asylum seekers from Texas, Virginia, and Arizona, demonstrating a disturbing level of coordination in perpetuating this disaster.
A Call for Accountability
Should one man wield the power to reshape Ohio’s demographic and economic landscape without the consent of its citizens? Ohio is one of the most often left states in the union. This is the reason why Ohio’s population even though we take in a record number of refugees does not grow at a rate commensurate with the rest of the United States. This is the reason why Ohio, which once had 24 representatives in the United States House of Representatives now only has 15 representatives. We became the rust belt in the 1970s and early 1980s. The reason why we cannot maintain population with the rest of the United States is due to such a lax immigration policy.
The answer when Ohioan are asked “Should any governor be able to unilaterally determine immigration policy?” is a resounding no. DeWine’s irresponsible unilateral decisions have jeopardized Ohio’s future. It is time for the people of Ohio to demand an annual referendum, giving them the power to decide immigration, refugees, and asylum seeker policies and how the state welcomes these new arrivals.
Ohio deserves leaders who prioritize the safety, prosperity, and cultural integrity of its citizens. DeWine’s policies represent the antithesis of such leadership. The time has come to hold him accountable and reclaim Ohio from the brink of disaster.
Amen. Mike is still an idiot.
I have but one thing to say. A quote from Emma Lazarus.
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she
With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'"
Make America Great Again? We can.