Ohio has few actual Journalists. Jack Windsor of the Windsor Report is one. Here's what he has to say about Ohio Issue 1 (pro-tip: he's right): https://www.facebook.com/100023653304828/posts/1659950791470015/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

Here's State Rep Beth Lear on the issue: https://omny.fm/shows/the-windsor-report/twr-07-31-seg-1-state-rep-beth-talks-about-the-red?t=30s

My 2nd discussion with radio personality Bob Frantz: <iframe src="https://omny.fm/shows/the-bob-frantz-authority/7-31-24-always-right-radio-with-bob-frantz/embed?t=44m18s" width="100%" height="180" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write" frameborder="0" title="7-31-24 | Always Right Radio With Bob Frantz"></iframe>

Ohio Political News coverage: https://rumble.com/v58u73p-issue-1-ohio-redistricting-amendment-why-isnt-orp-topping-it.html

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Ohio Rep Beth Lear on why this far-Left agenda is bad and how it's being ruled unconstitutional due to its crushing death-grip on Michigan:


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Maureen O'Connor is a "republican" in the same way that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are "republicans." They aren't.

O'Connor is in this for 2 reasons: to once again create that fake veneer of "bipartisan" and because the convoluted process of arriving upon the unelected/unaccountable nightmare Maps Bureaucracy calls for "retired Judges" to help build the darn thing.

If "republican" Maureen O'Connor's presence and likely intention of creating the first group isn't enough to dissuade people, I don't know what is!

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Obama, Eric Holder, and the extremist far-Left have weaponized "sue til they're blue." That includes suing Ohio over any/all/every map we create, falsely calling everything "gerrymandering."

This proposed Amendment is yet another temper tantrum: Ohio is 8% Democrat (estimate) but the Left want majority control... because their policies destroy while making a few people rich.

Any map can be called "gerrymandered", the truth of the matter is Ohio is predominantly Patriotic Americans, with little pockets of far-Left in the cities. Issue 1 seeks to drive the insanity of failed/failing far-Left agenda out into rural Ohio. This same garbage was done to Michigan, New York, California, and other states to drive them into third-world oligarchs.

NO! on Issue 1

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Your observation that we have a politically hierarchical approach to policy decision making in Ohio vs the very Western, very American, very grassrootsy approach of independently thinking individuals debating merits and consequences of policy decisions in Republican Party circles does shine a warm light of hope that our party has potential for broader "we the people" style engagement... I mean: " We the Statewide officeholders who know best -about money power and influence-" isn't exactly in any founding governing or political party documents.

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It’s bad!!!! Look who’s backing it!!!! All the same liberals who backed Issue 1 on the November ballot last year and got abortion and transgenderism in our constitution. Plus they, and stupid republicans, voted down the measure requiring a 60% voter turnout to get constitutional changes in place in August 2023! Also Maureen O’Connor has swung very left just like Kasich so this is another turn Ohio blue move!!! She is a rhino!

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Read it! That is all I can say. Yes, I don't like who is backing it, but these are the very same people who passed the current system into law back in 2015. The current proposal has 68% favorability from Ohioans in our recent poll. This is really the doings of the Republican Party - they knew about the first one in 2015 and did nothing and they have known about this one and will do nothing. Their half hearted efforts should not be rewarded with our work when they trash, demean, smear, and besmirch conservatives at every turn. Maureen O'Connor is not on the Supreme Court anymore so she does not factor into the equation - Joe Deter took her place. It is a way for Conservatives to become more valuable to the Republican Party when and if this is passed.

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This comment is tantamount to praising Eric Holder; anyone thinking the far-Left are pumping ~60MM into this to make Conservatives "more valuable" in any way should re-check the math on this one.

If this passes, the far-Left are in control indefinitely, just like all the other states this has been done to. The small minority of Democrats will gain majority control over Ohio for the foreseeable future.


Obama, Eric Holder, and the extremist far-Left have weaponized "sue til they're blue." That includes suing Ohio over any/all/every map we create, falsely calling everything "gerrymandering."

This proposed Amendment is yet another temper tantrum: Ohio is 8% Democrat but the Left want majority control... because their policies destroy while making a few people rich.

Any map can be called "gerrymandered", the truth of the matter is Ohio is predominantly Patriotic Americans, with little pockets of far-Left in the cities. Issue 1 seeks to drive the insanity of failed/failing far-Left agenda out into rural Ohio. This same garbage was done to Michigan, New York, California, and other states to drive them into third-world oligarchs.

NO! on Issue 1

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Who is doing the polling? I receive a number of these leftist organizations newsletters and they don’t ever represent anything as it really is! I am not happy with the majority of people in the Republican Party now either. Here we are with a super majority and the rhinos are stopping any good legislation from being passed in Ohio. We are getting trashed from both sides! Other articles I’ve read use Maureen’s name as if that is a reason to support it even though she isn’t there any more! Regardless we will see if you are right once it is passed! Ohio is a losing state now anyway with what all the blue cities and counties are doing.

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We are paying for the polling - and it is performed as a Harris quick poll that is reasonably accurate.

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